

篇名 探究轉化學習理論缺口——第二波正向心理學辯證觀點
並列篇名 Theoretical Gaps in Transformative Learning: A Dialectic Perspective of Second Wave Positive Psychology
作者 林曉君(Hsiao-Chun Lin)
中文摘要 轉化學習理論近年來國際學者已提出頗多實證研究,而理論層次的辯證有不足的現況,在恐影響該理論發展的背景脈絡下,本研究提出可探究之問題假設為「轉化學習理論所依據之心理學基礎理論仍顯不足,其理論缺口應同步於當代心理學發展,並可能產生思辨或融和」,在此前提下擬訂本研究之問題,並採用質性研究思辨「正-反-合」之方法,進行四項研究流程,首先經由文獻探討檢視轉化學習理論主流觀點所依據之心理學基礎,以及歸納目前對於轉化學習理論之評論,從而分析並確立轉化學習理論於心理學立論基礎具有缺口,再進行比較當代心理學發展中的第二波正向心理學之核心論述有關於成人生命經驗中的轉化現象,包括幸福感的辯證、生命意義與黑暗面、意義層次深度與超越觀、創傷後成長、個人轉化及平衡互動的「雙系統適應模式」與「動態平衡理論」,最後提出本研究的整合觀點。
英文摘要 In the context of gaps in transformative learning theory identified by international scholars, insufficient critical speculation may affect the future development of this theory. This study proposed the following hypothetical problem: “The psychological foundations of transformative learning theory are inadequate, and the gaps in this theory can be filled by first synchronizing current developments in psychology and then adopting a synthesis approach.” Accordingly, we adopted the “thesis-antithesis-synthesis” approach of qualitative inquiry and executed it in four steps: First of all, we reviewed the psychological foundations of mainstream transformative learning. In addition, we summarized critical comment on them. Furthermore, we found evidence that theoretical gaps exist in the psychological foundations of transformative learning theory. Forth, we compared the core discourses of transformative phenomena in adult life experiences on the basis of second wave positive psychology, including the dialectics of well-being, the dark side of meaning in life, depth of meaning with transcendence, posttraumatic growth, the personal transformation, the balanced interactive dual-system model of adaptation, and the dynamic equilibrium theory of well-being. Finally, on the basis of the derived results, we conclude by providing some integrated perspectives.
頁次 111-152
關鍵詞 第二波正向心理學 轉化學習理論 辯證 second wave positive psychology transformative learning theory dialectics TSSCI
卷期 54
日期 202006
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272020060054004