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篇名 高中108課綱運作與大學升學鏈結狀況之研究
並列篇名 Study on the Implementation of the Senior High School 108 Curriculum Guidelines and Its Connection With University Admission
作者 陳玉娟(Yu-Chuan Chen)
中文摘要 108課綱的推動,讓高中教育階段受到很大的衝擊,連帶地也影響到大學升學制度。本文以訪談與問卷調查結果資料進行分析,從大一新鮮人的角度切入,剖析其對高中108課綱運作與大學升學之間的關係認知狀況,並輔以訪談資料,論述高中108課綱運作與大學升學鏈結狀況。研究發現,108課綱新生對大學選才機制的看法多為正向,其中認為部定必修對於升學助益最大,自主學習之重要性及與升學關係則相對偏低。立基於研究資料分析與結論,本文提出研究建議,包括:重新審視資源的挹注重點與學生認知間的落差;學科知識是否淺化,值得投注資源進行研究;善用國際評比成績,確認108課綱學生的學習表現。
英文摘要 The implementation of the 108 Curriculum Guidelines has significantly impacted secondary education, and subsequently affected the university admission system. This study explores the relationship between the operation of the Guidelines in senior high schools and the university admission process from the perspective of freshmen. The findings from survey data and interviews are integrated to assess the Guidelines in senior high schools and university admissions. The study reveals that students under the Guidelines have a generally positive view of the university selection mechanism. The importance of Ministry-mandated required courses is believed to be most beneficial for further education, while the significance of self-directed learning and its relation to academic advancement is relatively low. Based on results, this study suggests a reassessment of the focus of resource allocation in relation to student perception every three years; whether the depth of subject knowledge justifies the resources invested should also be investigated. Furthermore, this study advocates for the effective use of international benchmarking results to gauge the academic performance of students under the 108 Curriculum Guidelines.
頁次 019-035
關鍵詞 108課綱 大學升學 高中 108 Curriculum Guidelines University admission Senior high schools
卷期 361
日期 202405
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024050361002