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篇名 畫出美麗新境界——視覺藝術教學融合語文賞析的美感經驗之探究
並列篇名 Draw a Beautiful New Realm—Exploration of the Aesthetic—Experience of Visual Art Instructions with Literature
作者 胡郁珮(Hu,Yu-Pei )
中文摘要 美好人生需透過美感教育薰陶得以豐富、完滿。國內在「課程美 學探究」(aesthetic inquiry to curriculum)之研究上,是以美學概念探 究課程情境中美感特質以及美感經驗;多數的研究只強調美感特質對於 課程重要性的論述層面,鮮少深入討論學習者的美感經驗。因此,本研 究以視覺藝術融合語文的學習活動,透過質性研究法,探究10位6歲至 12歲的學習者在此學習歷程中的美感經驗,為視覺藝術教學的研究範 疇提供另一種視點與觀照。本研究發現學習者的美感經驗如下:一、學 童能在賞析詩文與視覺藝術作品的過程中釋放想像、產生移情,與詩畫 共鳴;二、詩文結合視覺藝術作品的審美與創作活動,能引領學童以 不同的角度觀看世界,以情意知覺涵養理性思維、詩情畫意妝點生活; 三、在本研究設計的學習活動中,學童能專心致志,以昂然的興致、深 層投入創作,不畏艱難、信心滿懷地克服難題,而擁懷心滿意足的美感 經驗;四、本研究設計的學習活動能引發學童與環境對談的自我言說能 力,重寫生命經驗、再創造自身的美感境地。
英文摘要 Through aesthetic education, one can better his life to be nurtured rich and more fulfilling. Studies conducted domestically on aesthetic inquiry on the curriculum are based on the aesthetic concept to explore aesthetic qualities and experiences of the courses’ contexts. Most research studies have only emphasized on the importance of aesthetic characteristics but rarely discussed in-depth the aesthetic experiences of learners. Therefore, this study integrates visual arts and literature appreciation in learning activities to explore the aesthetic experiences of 10 six- to twelve-year-old learners through a qualitative research method. We provide an alternative viewpoint for the study on the field of visual arts instructions. In this study, we found the aesthetic experiences of learners are as follows. First, children can reason with the texts and paintings, and then release their imaginations. Second, poetry combined with visual artwork can induce children to appreciate the world from different views, in order to conserve rational affective and perceptual thinking, thus contributing to a “poetic life.” Third, in the learning activities of the study design, the students can concentrate to proudly spirits, deep into creative, brave, full of confidence to overcome difficulties, to enjoy the satisfying emotional quality of the aesthetic experience. Fourth, the learning activities of the study design can lead the sensitivity and ability to interactive with the environment and create new aesthetic experiences.
頁次 095-144
關鍵詞 美感教育 美感經驗 視覺藝術教學 aesthetic education aesthetic experience visual arts instruction THCI Core THCI CORE
卷期 33:2
日期 201612
刊名 新竹教育大學教育學報
出版單位 國立新竹教育大學
DOI 10.3966/199679772016103302004