

篇名 国际中文教师供需矛盾分析与对策
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Imbalance between Supply and Demand of International Chinese Teachers and the Solution
作者 周勇(ZHOU Yong)
中文摘要 当前国际中文教师供需主要有三方面矛盾,一是国别(区域)需求冷热不均的矛盾,二是国际中文教师供需之间“量”的矛盾,三是国际中文教师发展的需要和制度供给的矛盾。需要从国别(区域)维度、国际中文教师特征维度和动态派遣维度深入分析,并在操作层面给出有效的方案。
英文摘要 At present, there are three imbalances between the supply and demand of international Chinese teachers: one is the uneven demand of different countries (regions), the other is the imbalanced quantity between supply and demand of international Chinese teachers, and the third is the imbalance between the demand for the development of international Chinese teachers and the institution supply. We need to analyze in depth in the aspect of the country (region)dimension, characteristic dimension and dynamic dispatch dimension, and propose effective solutions at the operational level.
頁次 110-115
關鍵詞 国际中文教师 供需矛盾 international Chinese teacher imbalance between supply and demand CSSCI
卷期 32:2
日期 202003
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心