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篇名 教學創新與學校創新氣氛之國際比較:TALIS 2018調查資料之應用
並列篇名 International Comparison of Teaching Innovation and School Innovation Atmosphere: Application of TALIS 2018 Results
作者 廖元歆(Yuan-Sin Liao)
中文摘要 2018年TALIS首次新增教學創新調查向度,顯示「教學創新」是國際間愈趨重視的特徵。本研究聚焦關注TALIS 2018教學創新調查向度,以理念架構文件拉開序幕,解說OECD對創新的詮釋,並探討理論如何延伸為問卷題目,將理論、問卷題目到調查結果一併呈現。最後,本研究比較國內教學創新調查研究與TALIS 2018之異同,並統整三項結論:一、臺灣與東亞國家的TALIS 2018調查結果差異不大;二、不同背景因素教師在創新方面是否有顯著差異並無一致的研究結果;三、TALIS 2018與國內研究皆指出教師專業學習社群與組織創新氣氛有關。此外,本研究認為可以從三個方向提升臺灣的教學創新:一、檢視政策對於教師成立專業學習社群的實質支持情形,並確保社群有效運作;二、檢視教師教學進度及學生考試升學壓力等因素,開放多元評量方式,以提升教師進行教學創新之意願;三、支持校長展現創新領導行為,進而影響教師創新教學行為。
英文摘要 TALIS 2018 added the dimension of teaching innovation for the first time, highlighting its growing significance globally. This paper concentrates on this new aspect within TALIS 2018, initiating with a conceptual framework document that explicates the OECD’s interpretation of innovation. It further explores how theoretical constructs are transformed into survey questions, presenting a comprehensive overview from theory, questionnaire items to survey outcomes. The study then compares domestic research on teaching innovation with the findings of TALIS 2018, identifying similarities and differences. Three main conclusions are drawn: firstly, there is little variance in the TALIS 2018 outcomes between Taiwan and other East Asian nations; secondly, the correlation between teachers’ backgrounds and their innovativeness is inconsistent across studies; thirdly, both TALIS 2018 and domestic research indicate a connection between teachers’ professional learning communities and an organization’s innovative atmosphere. The paper suggests three approaches to enhance teaching innovation in Taiwan: 1. examining policy support for the establishment of effective professional learning communities among teachers; 2. revising the curriculum pace and examination pressures to foster diverse assessment methods, thereby encouraging innovative teaching; 3. bolstering principals’ innovative leadership to positively influence teachers’ innovative practices.
頁次 001-031
關鍵詞 教師專業學習社群 教學與學習國際調查 教學創新 組織創新氣氛 teacher professional learning community Teaching and Learning International Survey teaching innovation organizational innovation culture
卷期 95
日期 202311
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會
DOI 10.53106/160957582023110095001