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篇名 從品德教育理論的觀點論臺灣學術倫理教育的實踐與未來
並列篇名 On the Praxis and Future of Taiwan’s Academic Ethics Education in the Light of Character Education Theories
作者 吳美瑤(Meiyao Wu) 、林美如(Mei-Ju Lin)
中文摘要 本文旨在從品德教育理論的觀點,闡述學術倫理教育可進一步提升其成效的可行方式。首先,作者試著從科學系統發展的角度,說明學術倫理與研究誠信是持續累積有效科學知識的關鍵,並指出學術倫理教育作為一種品德教育,應以培養具學術誠信的研究者為目標。其次,再進一步地從四種品德教育理論的觀點,包括Aristotle的德行論、L.Kohlberg的道德推理教學、J. Dewey教育倫理學及N. Noddings的關懷倫理學,論述學術倫理教育的教學目標、策略與方法等,以期為學術倫理教育的實踐工作提供未來可進一步發展的方向。
英文摘要 This article attempts to clarify the approaches of promoting academic ethics education in the light of character education theories. The authors first explain that academic ethics and research integrity play key roles in the accumulation of scientific knowledge in the context of the development of scientific systems. The authors then look at academic ethics education as a kind of character education, given that its aim is to cultivate people with academic integrity. Secondly, the authors interpret the strategies of academic ethics education from the perspectives of four character education theories— Aristotle’s virtues ethics, L. Kohlberg’s moral reasoning, J. Dewey’s educational ethics, and N. Nodding’s caring ethics, in order to point out the likely future directions of the teaching praxis of academic ethics education.
頁次 061-075
關鍵詞 品德教育 道德推理 德行論 學術倫理教育 關懷倫理學 character education moral reasoning virtue ethics education in academic ethics caring ethics
卷期 341
日期 202209
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022090341005