

篇名 角色扮演遊戲融入STS教學中對國中生環境素養的影響
並列篇名 The Impact of Integrating Role-Playing Game into STS Instruction on Junior High School Student’s Environment Literacy
作者 蔡聿庭(Yu-Ting Tsai) 、鄭夢慈(Meng-Tzu Cheng)
中文摘要 本研究主旨在開發一款以環境素養為故事情節的數位角色扮演遊戲融入「科技與社會」課程當中,探討實驗組(遊戲組,52人)與對照組(非遊戲組,50人)的環境素養成效與遊戲中角色認同的影響。研究樣本選自中部某兩所國中七年級各兩個班級為研究對象,研究方法以量化的單因子共變數、皮爾森相關係數分析環境素養前、後測與延宕測驗的差異,以及角色認同與環境素養的相關,再將質性的「節能減碳學習單」轉成量化評分,並以獨立樣本 t 檢定檢驗兩組學生在節能減碳表現的差異。研究結果發現,實驗組延宕測驗在「環境概念知識」與「環境倫理價值觀」的表現顯著優於對照組;實驗組在「節能減碳」的表現顯著優於對照組;遊戲時的角色認同與「環境覺知敏感度」、「環境行動技能」、「環境行動經驗」呈現顯著正相關。本研究結果顯示,透過遊戲融入環境概念知識,能讓學生維持長久的學習成效,而利用遊戲中角色的設定,也能有效傳達對於環境正面積極的態度;另外,將環境行動與遊戲結合,也能有效提升學生將環境知識與理念付諸於行動的動機;而學生在遊戲中對於角色高度的認同,對於環境素養也有正向的影響,故本研究自製的「綠魔法鎮」遊戲搭配合適的「科技與社會」課程對於學生環境素養的培養的確能有所助益。
英文摘要 This study developed a digital role-playing game (RPG) that employs the environmental literacy as the story scenarios to integrate into STS instruction. The purpose was to explore its impact on student environmental literacy and how the environmental literacy relates to role identity. A total of 102 students were took part. They were divided into two groups, experimental (n = 52) and control (n = 50). Students in the experimental group received STS instruction integrated with digital RPG, while those in the control group received STS-only instruction. This study collected both quantitative and qualitative data. For quantitative data, one-way ANCOVAs and Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to test the differences in the environmental literacy between pre- , post-, and delayed posttest and the relationship between environmental literacy and ingame role identity. For qualitative data, energy saving and carbon reduction learning sheet were converted to quantitative scores according to the developed coding rubrics, then paired t tests were run to examine the differences in student energy saving and carbon reduction between experimental and control group. 1. Some significant findings were revealed: Students in the experimental group had a significantly better performance on the delayed test than those in the control group in terms of the dimensions of knowledge of environmental concepts and environmental ethics and values of environmental literacy. 2. Students in the experimental group significantly outperformed those in the control group in terms of energy saving and carbon reduction behaviors. 3. Student in-game role identity was significantly and positively related with the dimensions of environmental perception and sensitivity, capacity to take environmental actions and experience of taking environmental actions of environmental literacy.
頁次 055-081
關鍵詞 STS教學 角色扮演遊戲 角色認同 環境素養 STS instruction role-playing game role identity environmental literacy TSSCI
卷期 12:1
日期 202001
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2020011201003