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篇名 搭起回外婆家的橋:娘家外交政策培力新二代職涯之個案研究
並列篇名 Building a Bridge Back to Grandma’s House: A Case Study of the Maiden Diplomacy Policy to Empower the New Second Generation’s Future Career Plan
作者 張珍瑋(Chen-Wei Chang) 、李永隆(Yung-Lung Lee) 、李宜航(Yi-Hang Li)
中文摘要 我國新住民族群主要源自過去近30年的跨國婚姻移民,其第二代子女目前亦在各學校教育階段占有不可忽視的比例與數量。政府近年提出的新南向政策中,「娘家外交」部分即欲借助新二代的多元文化背景及語文優勢,獎補助其於在學階段進行跨國見實習。然而,此一政策並未獲新二代的熱切回應及參與,本研究藉由了解靜宜大學於107、108兩學年度推動「新二代人才培育計畫」的實際個案及其參與者的訪談紀錄,並透過新二代培力的「主體」──東南亞籍(越南籍)新二代對此計畫的認知/體驗/評估,指出「搭起回外婆家的橋」有助新二代肯認自身具備的新住民文化資產與未來在東南亞就業優勢的重要性,以及此一計畫若成功落實則確實可銜接起理想與實行新二代人才培力政策的關鍵因素,期能提供未來新二代人才跨國/在臺就業職涯發展的啟示。
英文摘要 The new immigrants in Taiwan have arrived through international marriage immigration in the past 30 years, and their children, new second generation, are now studying at different educational levels. In the new southward policy proposed by the government in recent years, the “maiden diplomacy” policy is to send the second generation of the new immigrants’ “home” for internship/work since they are assumed with bilingual skills and multicultural backgrounds needed in South Asian industries. However, this policy has not received positive responses from the target group. This article is based on a case study conducted during Providence University’s promotion of the “New Second Generation Talent Cultivation Program” in the academic years 2018 and 2019. From the Vietnamese new second generation’s cognition/experience/evaluation of the “New Second Generation Talent Cultivation Program,” they point out the importance of “building a bridge back to grandma’s house” for new second generation’s recognition of their new immigrants’ cultural assets and future employment advantages in Southeast Asia. Participants also indicate that supporting strategies with related key factors really matter to connect the ideal and the implementation of the new second-generation talent training policy. According to the study, it puts forward the enlightenment of the empowering policy for new second generation in the future.
頁次 109-149
關鍵詞 娘家外交政策 新二代 靜宜大學 maiden diplomacy policy new second generation Providence University
卷期 18:2
日期 202312
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.53106/199254762023121802004