

篇名 布希亞「幻象」的思維路徑
並列篇名 Jean Baudrillard’s Path of Thought of “Illusion”
作者 邱廷浩(Ting-Hao Chiou)
中文摘要 本文旨在研究法國思想家尚․布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)於《美學的幻象與去幻象》(Illusion, désillusion esthétiques)書中的思考方式及其「幻象」的思維路徑。本文中的四個主要章節,分別聚焦在布希亞書中所演示的當代世界中各個不同範疇的概念對於「幻象」概念的流變與取代:藝術與電影的「去幻象」、影像的「擬像」、物的「廣告」以及藝術理論的「理念」。透過摘錄與分析,歸納出布希亞看似在利用藝術與「幻象」的關係來回應當代藝術創作的問題,實則是利用「幻象」的概念,串連起整個當代世界的流動與變化。
英文摘要 The purpose of this article is to study Jean Baudrillard’s thought processes and his path of thought of “illusion” in the article Aesthetic Illusion and Disillusion. The article is composed of four main sections, focusing on the evolution and replacement of the concept “illusion” by illustrating different domains in the contemporary world demonstrated in Baudrillard’s article: the “disillusion” of art and films, the “simulation” of images, the “advertisement” of objects and the “ideas” of art theories. Through excerpts and analysis, it comes to a conclusion that Baudrillard seems to be utilizing the relationship between art and “illusion” to respond to the problems of contemporary art, but in fact he uses the concept of “illusion” to connect the flow and changes of the entire contemporary world.
頁次 001-024
關鍵詞 布希亞 幻象 當代藝術 擬像 Baudrillard illusion contemporary art simulation object
卷期 14
日期 202110
刊名 藝術研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學
DOI 10.53106/207035892021101400001