

篇名 大學生學習成效與就業表現之縱貫研究:一所一般大學之個案分析
並列篇名 A Longitudinal Study of Students’ Learning Outcome and Employment Performance: The Case of a University
作者 簡瑋成(Wei-Cheng Chien)
中文摘要 近年來我國高等教育迅速擴張,教育品質遭受質疑,社會大眾普遍對大學生學習成效與畢業後就業問題產生憂慮。故此,本研究透過蒐集某大學2013~2015年度大學生在學與畢業後的資料,針對大學生在校學習成效與畢業後就業表現進行潛在成長模式分析,以及分析大學生在學期間的就業經驗、學習成效、畢業後就業表現彼此之間的影響關係。研究結果為:一、大學生學習成效呈現先降後升的二次曲線軌跡,具有顯著個別差異,以繁星推薦入學學生表現最佳;二、大學畢業生第一年薪資成長軌跡呈現顯著線性發展趨勢,具有顯著個別差異,以四技甄選入學學生初始薪資表現最佳;三、大學生在學期間就業經驗、學習成效、畢業後就業表現之間具有顯著影響作用。根據研究結論,本研究提出相關建議以供大專校院與相關政府教育單位參酌。
英文摘要 In recent years, the rapid expansion of higher education in Taiwan, the quality of higher education has been questioned, and students’ learning outcome and employment performance are worried. Therefore, through the data collection of 2013 to 2015 of undergraduates in a university, latent growth curve model (LGM) were applied for students’ learning outcome and employment performance in this study. The results of this study include:1. The growth trajectory of students’ learning outcome is quadratic curve and there are significant individual differences, and the best is these students of Star Plan; 2. The first year of college graduates’ salary growth trajectory showed a significant linear trend and there are significant individual differences, and these students of initial salary from vocational high students is the best; 3. There is a significant correlation between undergraduates’ work experience, learning outcomes and post-graduation employment performance. According to the results, this study put forward some suggestions for the tertiary institutions and relevant government education units.
頁次 099-136
關鍵詞 就業表現 潛在成長模式 學習成效 employment performance latent growth curve model students’ learning outcome
卷期 14:2
日期 201912
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.3966/199254762019121402004