

篇名 多元教學活動融入正向管教精神-提升班級經營成效之行動研究
並列篇名 An Action Research on Promoting the Efficiency of Classroom Management by Multiple Instructional Events Integrated with Positive Discipline Ideas
作者 林志興(LIN, Chi-Xing)
中文摘要 透過多元教學,融入正向管教,提升班級經營。本研究採取行動研究,以一所國小高年級班級為研究場域,以三個月為研究時程。透過導師帶領全班十八位同學,結合班級經營,強調正向管教,增加師生關係,降低師生衝突,為本研究之目的,以期作為教師在班級經營之參考。研究結果顯示:一、透過體育活動,增進團隊合作,避免個人主義,發揮團隊精神;二、結合閱讀課程,增進自律習性,但同儕影響下,忽略班級規範;三、配合校本課程,融入個人繪圖,結合生命體驗,論述真實貼切;四、藉由食農教育,搭配做中學習,珍視個人產出,期待收成之時。研究建議說明:一、體育活動需經設計,著重團隊合作,比賽輸贏只是媒介;二、閱讀課程可增任務,如設計學習單,避免負面同儕效應;三、校本課程加深加廣,透過鄉土探查,進行體驗並加以產出;四、食農教育重在過程,種植成果其次,強調個人真實付出。
英文摘要 The purpose of this action research on promoting the efficiency of classroom management by multiple instructional events integrated with positive discipline ideas. This research to carry out in an elementary school lasted for three months. The participants in this study were totally eighteen 11 to 12 year olds. The findings are as follows: 1. Physical Education(PE) activities contributes to collaboration, group morale, while minimizes individualism; 2. Reading activities could enhance discipline; however, peer pressure might lead to negligence of class regulations; 3. Integrating school-based curriculum with students’ drawings could promote truthful learning experiences; 4. Through learning-by-doing activities in food and agricultural education, students learned to cherish production and harvest. This research also puts some suggestions: 1. PE activities should focus on team collaboration; competition is just one of all means to the end; 2. Task-oriented reading activities can reduce negativities from peer pressure; 3. By a series of field studies, school-based curriculum can enhance experiences and production; 4. The idea of food and agricultural education is one process rather than products, as well as personal efforts.
頁次 063-089
關鍵詞 班級經營 正向管教 行動研究 classroom management positive discipline action research
卷期 45
日期 202206
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
DOI 10.7038/JETP.202206_(45).0003