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篇名 「師資生潛能測驗組合」與現職中學教師工作表現之相關研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship between the Teacher Aptitude Assessment Battery and Middle School Teachers' Job Performance
作者 趙子揚(Tzu-Yang Chao) 、宋曜廷(Yao-Ting Sung)
中文摘要 目前研究均指向一件事實:單以學業成就做為指標,是無法預測師資生未來是否能成為良好的教師。因此,現今已有許多研究者試圖使用情意類的測驗做為師資生甄選之指標,例如:國內正在使用的「師資生潛能測驗組合」(TAAB),其中包含了「教師情境判斷測驗」(SJTTs)、「教師工作價值觀量表」(WVST),以及「教師人格量表」(CPST)。本研究旨在檢驗現職教師在TAAB的表現,是否能有效預測其工作表現,以提供此測驗組合之效度證據。本研究共召募16所學校,包含國中7所及高中9所,並由110位現職中學教師參與測驗施測,其中有44名國中教師及66名高中教師。參與者均要完成上述測驗組合中的三項測驗。同時,學校主管則要對參與教師進行工作方面的評比,包含:班級經營、教師教學、同事相處、親師溝通,以及學生輔導等五個方面。整體而言,TAAB之表現與教師工作表現有顯著相關,相關係數為.263。進一步利用結構方程模式(structural equation modelling [SEM])分析,結果顯示TAAB較能預測與人際有關的工作向度,例如:同事相處及親師溝通,其路徑係數分別為.480及.325。本研究提供直接證據,說明TAAB的結果與教師工作表現為正向關係,因此在師資生甄選上,的確應該納入此測驗組合的結果做為參考指標。本研究將會就測驗特性、預測效度,以及未來TAAB的應用進行討論。
英文摘要 Current research indicates that academic achievement alone cannot predict whether a student teacher will become a good teacher in the future. Therefore, many researchers have attempted to use affective tests as indicators for selecting student teachers, such as the Teacher Aptitude Assessment Battery (TAAB) currently being used in Taiwan, which includes the Situational Judgment Test for Teachers (SJTT), Work Value Scale for Teachers (WVST), and Computerized Personality Scale for Teachers (CPST). The purpose of this study is to examine whether the performance of current middle school teachers on the TAAB can effectively predict their job performance, providing evidence for the validity of this assessment battery. Sixteen schools, including seven junior high schools and nine senior high schools, participated in the study, with 110 current middle school teachers completing the three tests in the TAAB. Meanwhile, school supervisors evaluated the teachers’ job performance in five aspects: classroom management, teaching, colleague interaction, parent-teacher communication, and student counseling. Overall, the TAAB performance was significantly correlated with job performance, with a correlation coefficient of .263. Further analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) showed that the TAAB was more able to predict job dimensions related to interpersonal skills, such as colleague interaction and parent-teacher communication, with path coefficients of .480 and .325, respectively. This study provides direct evidence that the results of the TAAB are positively related to teachers' job performance, and thus, the results of this assessment battery should be included as a reference indicator in the selection of student teachers. This study will discuss the test characteristics, predictive validity, and future applications of the TAAB in teacher education.
頁次 119-147
關鍵詞 師資生潛能測驗組合 師資培育 教師工作表現 教師情境判斷測驗 預測效度 predictive validity Situational Judgment Tests for Teachers Teacher Aptitude Assessment Battery teacher education teachers’ work performance TSSCI
卷期 71:1
日期 202403
刊名 測驗學刊
出版單位 中國測驗學會、心理出版社