篇名 中文磨課師應用於全英語授課對學生學習成效之影響
並列篇名 The Effect on Student Learning Outcomes by Integrating Chinese MOOC into EMI Courses
作者 張雅淨(Ya-Ching Chang) 、王蕾雅(Lei-Ya Wang) 、連興隆(Hsing-Lung Lien)
中文摘要 本研究探討使用中文磨課師做為大學全英語授課專業課程的輔助教材,對學生專業及英語學習成效之影響。研究發現,學生專業學習成效與教學方法有顯著之關聯,全英語授課結合中文磨課師之學生專業學習成效最佳,單獨採全英語授課對學生專業學習成效造成不利影響。本研究結果顯示,全英語授課的學生專業學習成效提升,與使用中文磨課師及本身英語能力有關,學習動機則不具統計上的顯著性。其中,使用中文磨課師及學生英語能力對專業學習成效的影響存在調節效應,學生英語能力在影響使用中文磨課師對學生專業學習成效上扮演重要的調節因子角色。中文磨課師結合全英語授課之教學模式,可做為我國高等教育未來配合2030雙語政策,以及提高大學國際化招生競爭力,在全面推動全英語授課時,同時兼顧本國學生專業學習成效與英語授課教學需求的合適作法。
英文摘要 The objectives of this study are aimed at investigating the impact of using massive open online courses (MOOCs) as supplemental materials on the student learning outcomes of content knowledge and English proficiency in the English medium instruction (EMI) courses. The results indicated that the learning outcomes were significantly influenced by the teaching methods where the combination of EMI and MOOC surpassed the EMI alone. No improvement of English proficiency was gained for students in a single semester EMI course. A detrimental effect of EMI on the content learning of students was observed. Nevertheless, the negative effect can be largely recovered by integrating Chinese MOOC. Results of the study revealed that learning outcomes of content knowledge was correlated with the use of MOOC and student’ English proficiency, but no statistically significant correlation was found with student learning motivation. It was found that English proficiency played a critical role where a moderating effect on the association between the use of MOOC and learning outcomes was confirmed. We demonstrated that the hybrid teaching strategy is able to enhance the learning quality of domestic students for supporting the bilingual nation policy in higher education in Taiwan.
頁次 075-107
關鍵詞 2030雙語政策 全英語授課 英語能力 學習動機 磨課師 2030 bilingual policy English medium instruction (EMI) English proficiency learning motivation massive open online courses (MOOCs)
卷期 18:2
日期 202312
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.53106/199254762023121802003