

篇名 建構臺語羅馬字詞彙測驗
並列篇名 Constructing a Vocabulary Test of Romanized Taiwanese
作者 林佳怡(Ka-I Lim) 、陳柏熹(Po-Hsi Chen)
中文摘要 十二年國教課綱語文領域-本土語文(閩南語文)中,學習表現裡的閱讀能力,包含羅馬字辨認,但目前臺語文語言能力認證考試題型,以及教學現場的評量,都缺少測驗臺語羅馬字閱讀能力的題型。本文設計以辭典資料庫及語料庫為基礎的命題方式,使題幹與選項都可藉由電腦程式來產出,協助人工快速命題。再以此方法命題,以線上測驗的形式施測,收集作答反應後,以Rasch模式估計試題難度,再進一步提取難度特徵,並以多元迴歸驗證,結果發現「題幹的臺語特色詞數量」、「正答選項與誘答選項的聲調差異數量」兩項特徵,對試題難度的影響達顯著。最後再對照教育部臺灣閩南語言能力認證考試的分級,列出各級題目的難度特徵,作為未來命題、組卷的參考。
英文摘要 Romanized Taiwanese literacy as a learning outcome has been part of the Domain of Language Arts-Native Languages (Minnan) in the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. Yet evaluation of this kind of literacy is absent in not only the Taiwanese (Minnan) Proficiency Test but also in local onsite education. The study aims to develop a computer generated multiple choice test on the basis of an online dictionary database and language pool to facilitate manual test structuring. The Rasch model was utilized to evaluate the difficulty of items. Multiple regression was used to evaluate the influence of the features of items on item difficulty. Results revealed that two positive indicators, including 1) the amount of Taiwanese exclusive phrases in items, and 2) the amount of tonal discrepancy between correct answer and distractors have significant influence on item difficulty. With the above mentioned findings, this paper provides suggestions for the proficiency level-based difficulty parameters of the Taiwanese (Minnan) Proficiency Test of the Ministry of Education.
頁次 087-108
關鍵詞 臺灣閩南語 詞彙測驗 臺語羅馬字 試題分級 Taiwanese (Minnan) vocabulary test Romanized Taiwanese level-Based exam
卷期 35:1
日期 202106
刊名 臺中教育大學學報. 教育類
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學