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篇名 臺灣三十年(1988-2018年)幼兒園園長領導相關議題研究之回顧與前瞻:以期刊及學位論文為主
並列篇名 Review and Prospect on Preschool Principal Leadership in Taiwan in the Past Thirty Years (From 1988 to 2018): On Journals and Academic Papers
作者 張文權(Wen-Chuan Chang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在了解臺灣地區幼兒園園長領導相關議題研究之現況,據此檢視最新成果,主要蒐集1988~2018年幼兒園園長領導相關研究之期刊論文及碩博士學位論文,共計215篇。採內容分析法針對研究年代、研究主題、研究對象、研究取向、研究方法、研究變項與研究結果等層面進行探究。研究結果可歸納出:研究年代發現數量變化與國際發展、國內政策趨勢相互符合;研究主題著重運作管理與專業能力,主題發展未臻均衡發展;研究對象依研究性質有所不同,整體偏重公、私立兼具的研究;研究取向傾向單一的研究典範,質量整合取向研究較為缺乏;研究方法以調查研究法與訪談占最高比例,多元性顯然不足;領導行為變項位居相關研究的多數,中介及情境變項較少見;應用領導理論符合發展脈動,幼兒學習與發展結果較不多見。最後,根據研究結果,提出具體建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to understand the current situation concerning researches on preschool principal leadership, and examine the latest results. 215 papers, including journal papers, master theses, and doctoral dissertations relevant to the research topic were collected from 1988 to 2018. Content analysis was applied to further explore the research from the viewpoint of years, topics, subjects, approaches, methods, variables and results. The findings indicated that: (a) On studying research years, the variation in numbers matched the trends of international development and national policies, (b) Research topics were focused on operation, management and professional skills, which resulted in inadequate development of other topics, (c) Subjects varied on the nature of research, but on the whole emphasized on researches that included both private and public schools, (d) Research approaches tended to draw from a single paradigmatic proposition, and mixed researches were less seen, (e) Survey research and interviews were some of the most commonly applied methods, which led to obvious insufficiency in diversity, (f) The variables of leadership behavior is in the majority of research papers, and intervening variables and contextual variables were rare, (g) The application of leadership theory is in line with the development, and the results of early childhood learning and development are less common. Finally, some suggestions drawn from the research results were issued.
頁次 073-112
關鍵詞 內容分析 幼兒園 園長領導 content analysis preschool principal leadership
卷期 20
日期 201911
刊名 教育與多元文化研究
出版單位 國立東華大學花師教育學院
DOI 10.3966/207802222019110020003