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篇名 新管理主義下的公辦民營學校治理:美、英實施經驗
並列篇名 Privatized School Governance Influenced by New Managerialism: Examples of US and UK
作者 陳榮政(Robin Jung-Cheng Chen) 、李重毅(Chung-Yi Li) 、俞玲琍(Ling-Li Yu)
中文摘要 國內因實驗教育三法之實施,使教育機構辦學方式多元化,其中有部分學校因為政府無法解決現有辦學困境而引入私部門機關,產生公辦民營學校,試圖透過資源的多元性將教育普及至現今無法涵蓋的弱勢族群與特殊需求者。本研究以新管理主義為基礎,討論公辦民營學校中,私部門如何自市場競爭築基,以創新管理方法及扁平化、代理人等理論實現提升效能低落學校的行政能量與學生成就,探討美國與英國的公辦民營學校:特許學校、自由學校、連鎖經營的公辦民營學校與學徒學校的經營和管理模式,分析其特質後梳理新管理主義下公辦民營學校的脈絡,最後反饋至當今國內公辦民營學校的困境並提出三項建議。
英文摘要 Educational instituts have diversified into different qualities since the implementation of Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education. Amongst those institutions, some invited the private sector into management to cope with the incapability of the government caring for all aspects of students, which results in the establishment of privatized schools in Taiwan. The research is based on new managerialism, looking into how privatized schools increase administrative capability in schools and the achievement of the students by applying market competition and conducting flat organization and principal-agent theory. By analyzing the management model of privatized schools in the United States and the United Kingdom (Charter school, Free School, Multi-Academy Trust, and Studio school), the authors sorted out the context of privatized schools, which concluded into three suggestions to the recent current of school privatization in Taiwan.
頁次 004-018
關鍵詞 公辦民營學校 新管理主義 實驗教育 privatized schools new managerialism experimental education
卷期 337
日期 202205
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022050337001