

篇名 从还原论到超复杂系统论:未来学校研究的方法论转向
並列篇名 From Reductionism to Super-complex System Theory: A Shift in Methodology in Futures School Research
作者 于金申(Yu Jinshen) 、卜玉华(Bu Yuhua)
中文摘要 当前未来学校研究受还原论视角影响,呈现出本体还原论、伦理还原论和时间还原论的研究取向。这一视角的优势在于“目的-手段”的高效性,但也使未来学校研究存在将要素重构等同于学校建设、忽视学校价值性以及把学校视为封闭系统等弊端。对此,作为对复杂系统论的完善与补充,超复杂系统论突破了还原论的局限。基于超复杂系统论,未来学校研究需要关注现实层次、时空体、相互作用以及预期四个特征,聚焦超复杂性,立足整体性、伦理性与预期性,建构系统的、合目的性的和开放的未来学校图景。
英文摘要 Futures school is a crucial lever for the high-quality development of education in the new era. Currently, due to the influence of reductionism, the construction of futures school exhibits drawbacks such as substituting elements for the whole, neglecting the value of education, and considering school as a closed system. As a result, the exploration of futures school has taken on characteristics of being element-oriented, devoid of intrinsic value, and closed-off.Super-complex systems not only represent a breakthrough from reductionism but also serves as a refinement and supplementation to complex systems theory. From the perspective of super-complex systems theory, futures school needs to focus on four features: levels of reality, chronotopoids, interactions, and anticipation.Based on this, futures school centers its attention on super-complex, emphasizing integrity, ethics, and anticipation, thereby outlining a systemic, holistic, and open vision of futures.
頁次 076-083
關鍵詞 未来学校 还原论 超复杂系统论 超复杂性 方法论 futures school reductionism super-complex systems theory super-complexity methodology CSSCI
卷期 446
日期 202403
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社