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篇名 联合国教科文组织基于循证实践的校园欺凌防治路径研究——以《数字背后:结束校园暴力和校园欺凌》为例
並列篇名 Research on UNESCO's Prevention and Intervention Paths for School Bullying Based on Evidence-based Practice — The Case of "Behind the Numbers: Ending School Violence and Bullying"
作者 韩蕊( HAN Rui) 、石艳(SHI Yan)
中文摘要 为提升校园欺凌防治的有效性,联合国教科文组织将循证实践的研究思路引入其2019年所发布的《数字背后:结束校园暴力和校园欺凌》报告之中,形成了一种基于循证实践的、三角循环的校园欺凌防治路径模型。该模型以大样本的调查证据、区域性的研究性证据以及典型的实践性证据这三类证据为基础,以提升校园欺凌防治的有效性为根本目标,涵盖证据获取、证据分析和证据应用三个环节。基于三角循环的校园欺凌防治路径模型,联合国教科文组织总结出全球校园欺凌防治的“最佳证据”——校园欺凌防治的9个有效要素,为全球校园欺凌的防治提供有效证据。
英文摘要 In order to improve the effectiveness of prevention and intervention of school bullying, UNESCO introduced the research thought of evidence-based practice into "Behind the Numbers: Ending School Violence and Bullying" in 2019, which forms a triangular cycle model of school bullying prevention and intervention path based on evidence-based practice. The model is based on three kinds of evidence: large sample investigation evidence, regional research evidence and typical practical evidence. It aims to improve the effectiveness of the prevention and intervention of school bullying, and covers three links: evidence acquisition, evidence analysis and evidence application. Based on the triangle circle model of school bullying prevention and intervention path, UNESCO summed up the "best evidence'1 of school bullying prevention and intervention, which are called nine effective elements of school bullying prevention and intervention, providing effective evidence for global prevention and intervention of school bullying.
頁次 078-084
關鍵詞 循证实践 校园欺凌 联合国教科文组织 evidence-based practice school bullying UNESCO CSSCI
卷期 42:5
日期 202005
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所