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篇名 國際分校的內部治理比較研究:以寧波諾丁漢大學、西交利物浦大學為個案
並列篇名 A Comparative Study of the Governance on International Branch Campus: Cases from University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
作者 林琦(Qi Lin) 、侯永琪(Angela Yung-Chi Hou)
中文摘要 國際分校是跨境教育中規模最大的機構移動,內部治理存在不同的模式。本研究以「融合—回應」模式為分析框架,以寧波諾丁漢大學、西交利物浦大學為個案,從課程、教師與研究三個面向來探討兩所學校的內部治理。本研究為質性研究,透過文件分析、深度訪談蒐集數據資料。本研究發現,西交利物浦大學在三個面向上融合母校的程度總體較寧波諾丁漢大學低,因而擁有較高的自主性;兩所學校的學術標準受母校影響大;國際分校沒有一個固定的最佳模式,需要在輸入國與輸出國的法律、法規、政策框架下,雙方協商尋找合適的內部治理模式。
英文摘要 This study focuses on the IBCs’ (international branch campus) governance by applying the dichotomy of global integration versus local responsiveness (integration-responsiveness paradigm), taking two Sino-UK branch campuses: the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as cases. The qualitative study applies two research methods to collect related data, including document analysis, and in-depth interviews methods. The major findings of this study are as follows: due to the different cooperative modes, the two cases had different governance models. It was found that, the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University with a higher degree of responsiveness had more autonomy. The two cases were both strongly influenced by their home campuses in terms of academic standards. The best model of IBC needs the negotiations from partners in the framework of the policies over the imported and exported countries.
頁次 037-074
關鍵詞 內部治理 國際分校 跨境教育 融合—回應模式 university governance international branchcaampus transnational education integration-responsiveness paradigm
卷期 18:2
日期 202312
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會
DOI 10.53106/199254762023121802002