

篇名 結合行動科技與線上社群的翻轉教室對大學生英語口說學習成效之影響
並列篇名 The Effect of an Integrated Social Networking Using Mobile Technologies on Flipping College Students’ English Speaking Performances
作者 林奇臻(Chi-Jen Lin)
中文摘要 本研究結合線上社群平台及行動科技之學習策略,應用於翻轉英語教學,並融入英語課程的口語練習,以提高學生的英語口語表現。參與對象為臺灣北部一所大學學習英語口語課程的學生。教師在Facebook臉書群組上,開發一套為期18週的翻轉英語口語課程的準實驗設計。參與的學生皆接受英語口說前測、各項實驗活動及英語口說後測等實驗程序,並進行統計分析與學生回饋描述等內容,來分析學生的英語口語能力。實驗結果顯示,比起傳統的影片教學方法,本研究提出結合線上社群平台及行動科技為活動設計之翻轉學習策略,確實可以有效提升學生的英語口說學習成就。回饋描述結果也指出,學生對於結合線上社群及行動科技之翻轉學習策略均有正向之肯定,它不僅提供豐富又無所不在的線上學習環境,亦會成為未來英語教學上有潛力的教學策略與活動,可以提高學習者學習語言的熟練程度。
英文摘要 Mobile and online community not only enable anytime and anywhere learning, but also provide the opportunity to develop flipped learning environments for students. This study attempts to integrate the online community Facebook platform and mobile technology to design flipped learning strategies in the English speaking classroom. This proposed flipped learning approach applied to the English speaking classroom and tried to improve the students’ speaking English performance. Without enough extra practicing time and authentic environments for EFL students, the traditional English speaking classroom could be disappointing. However, researchers have indicated that effective flipped learning and mobile language learning could improve language learning performance. An experiment has been conducted on a college English speaking classroom to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed online community fl ipped method. The experimental results show that the proposed approach not only improves the learning performance of the students, but also enhances the teacher-student interactions.
頁次 066-081
關鍵詞 行動科技 英語口說訓練 線上社群平台 翻轉教學 mobile technology English speaking social networking site flipped classroom
卷期 301
日期 201905
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019050301005