

篇名 結合桌遊的運算思維翻轉學習模式對小學生學習表現之影響
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of the Fourth Grader Students Using a Board Game for Learning Computational Thinking in the Flipped Learning
作者 王振庭(Chen-Ting Wang) 、許庭嘉(Ting Chia Hsu)
中文摘要 運算思維能力培養在近年受到教育領域專家們的重視,許多教育現場的教師紛紛投入該領域,設計教學活動及建構教材,但因缺乏適當的教學策略引導或無法提供同儕互動的演練情境,導致學生無法養成主動學習或不足以引發高層次思考,使得學生學習成效不彰、無法持續高度學習動機。故本研究透過桌遊進行運算思維翻轉學習,探討學生的學習動機、問題解決能力表現,協助學生培養其運算思維能力,改善運算思維基礎概念建構的學習成效。透過翻轉學習模式,提供適當的引導與同儕討論的空間,建立主動學習的學習態度,使用以運算思維基礎概念設計的《Robert City機器人蓋城市》這款教育桌遊,進行循序、迴圈、條件這三個教學單元,提供適切的演練情境。透過研究結果得知,學生透過桌遊進行運算思維翻轉學習後,不只提高內在學習動機,在解決問題能力部分亦得到提升。建議未來研究可搭配不同的教學策略及模式於運算思維課程,再與本研究結果比較,以提供更周全的教學實踐方案。
英文摘要 In recent years, the cultivation of computational thinking competence has been paid attention by many educators. Teachers have designed teaching materials and activity for students to learn computational thinking. However, due to lack of guiding mechanism or situated learning, students’ learning results are not as good as expected and kept learning motivation. Therefore, this study used board game on flipped classroom, to explore students’ learning motivation and problem solving tendency, and then to help students learn their computational thinking . Through this course, the students can learn the structural programming logics of sequence, selection and loop, and improve the students’ computational thinking competence. According to the research results, after using board game on fl ipped classroom, students not only improve the performance of problem solving tendency, but also have high learning motivation. In the future, different teaching strategies and methods can be introduced into learning the acquisition of computing thinking and compare it with the present results.
頁次 050-065
關鍵詞 桌遊 運算思維 學習成效 學習動機 翻轉學習 board game computational thinking learning effectiveness learning motivation flipping learning
卷期 301
日期 201905
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019050301004