

篇名 翻轉學習對國小學生自然科學學習成效之影響
並列篇名 Effects of Flipped Learning on Students’ Learning Outcome of Natural Science
作者 洪駿命(Chun-Ming Hung)
中文摘要 本研究嘗試以翻轉學習做為學習策略,實際應用於國小自然科學的學習活動中,進行準實驗研究,參與對象為國小六年級學童四個班級共107名,隨機分派二班54名學童實施翻轉學習,另二班53名學童實施一般資訊科技融入學習模式,二組學生皆接受前測、實驗處理及後測等實驗程序。並進行ANCOVA統計分析。實驗結果顯示,本研究提出翻轉學習做為學習策略,確實可以有效提升學生的學習成就、學習動機、個人自我效能、批判思考傾向、創造力傾向、問題解決能力及後設認知察覺傾向。
英文摘要 This study attempts to apply flipped learning, as the learning strategy, to the natural science learning activity in an elementary school. Total 107 G6 students in 4 classes participate in the experimental research. Two classes, 54 students, are randomly selected for the flipped learning, and another 2 classes, 53 students, are preceded general information technology integrated learning. Both groups of students are preceded pretest, experiment processing, and posttest for ANCOVA. The experimental results reveal that the proposed flipped learning, as the learning strategy, could actually and effectively enhance students’ learning achievement, learning motivation, personal self-efficacy, critical thinking tendency, creativity tendency, problem-solving ability, and metacognition perception.
頁次 020-035
關鍵詞 學習成就 學習動機 學習策略 翻轉學習 learning achievements learning motives learning strategy flipped learning
卷期 301
日期 201905
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019050301002