

篇名 時代巨輪下的女性悲歌:《醒閨編》女德內容分析與述評
並列篇名 An Elegy of Women in a Different Time: An Analysis and Commentary on Female Virtue in Xing Gui Bian
作者 曾蕙雯(Hui-Wen Tseng) 、鄭玉卿(Yu-Ching Cheng)
中文摘要 本研究以清代女教書《醒閨編》為材,查考其作者與流傳情形,並以內容分析法探究其女德重要內容。研究發現,道光年間由廖免驕所編纂的《醒閨編》,曾於中國西南偏遠地區與上海、北平等富庶城鎮流傳80餘年。書中設立的女子言行標準十分嚴苛,賦予女子的責任與其所處的社會地位反差極大,實非現代女性所能取法;但文中所述及的神佛思想、胎產保健方法,以及對女子生活與處境的理解等,則是流傳其時的其餘女教書所未見。本書足以提醒吾人從事教育工作時,除致力於性別平等外,應多加留意女子的自覺與主體性;透過教育增進批判性思考能力之餘,亦應謹記以「人-我」關懷為出發點的行動,對於解決生活中的道德困境實大有裨益。
英文摘要 This study explores the author, setting, and contents of the book Xing Gui Bian. The book was written by Mian-Jiao Liao and spread from the remote areas in the southwest of ancient China to wealthier cities over the course of 80 years. The standards in the text on the words and deeds of women are strict, and the book details a considerable gap between the responsibilities and social status of women that are unfathomable today. However, the descriptions of Buddha, prenatal and postnatal care, and women’s daily life were not found in other textbooks of that era on how to be an ideal woman. Emphases on self-awareness, subjectivity, and equality for women are key themes in Xing Gui Bian that educators can still benefit from understanding. Additionally, self-care and critical thinking may help us to solve moral dilemmas in everyday life.
頁次 083-111
關鍵詞 女德 廖免驕 醒閨編 female virtue Mian-Jiao Liao Xing Gui Bian TSSCI
卷期 58
日期 202206
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.53106/156335272022060058003