篇名 高校虚拟教研室建设的内在逻辑与实践路向
並列篇名 The Intrinsic Logic and Practical Directions of Building Virtual Teaching Research Community in Colleges and Universities
作者 曹梅(Cao Mei)
中文摘要 高校虚拟教研室作为推动高等教育高质量发展的重要举措方兴未艾,其本质内涵与内在逻辑机理有待挖掘,方能突破当前简单沿袭或模仿的实践模式而建构高校教研自有的理论逻辑与实践体系。经学理分析容易发现,大学教学学术,是教学与研究的有机融合,是大学教研的完美境界,是高校虚拟教研室建设的内在逻辑与理论框架。在这一理论框架之下,虚拟教研室作为一种高校教研组织的新形态,其背后是教育数字化转型的时代背景之下的高教新教改、新形态和新质量的内在要求,其实践路向是研究驱动、技术赋能的高质量教学,具体包括:研究驱动循证教学、技术赋能高校新教改、数字测评打造质量文化、提升教师信息化教学能力和数据智慧、成果导向增进社区粘性等五个途径。
英文摘要 As an important initiative to promote high-quality of higher education, virtual teaching research communities of universities are growing, but their essential connotation and intrinsic logic need to be explored, so as to break through the current inheritance or imitation, and then to construct the theoretical and practice framework of teaching research in colleges and universities. After theoretical analysis, it is easy to find that Scholarship of Teaching and Learning(SoTL) is the overlap of teaching and research as the perfect realm of teaching research in universities, which is the right theoretical framework of the university virtual teaching research community. Under the theoretical framework of SoTL, the virtual teaching research community is a good response to the intrinsic requirements of new teaching reform, new ecology and new quality of higher education under the background of the era of digital transformation of higher education. The practical way is research-driven and technologically-enabled high-quality teaching, which includes the following five directions: research-driven evidence-based teaching, technologically-enabled new teaching reform, digital assessment to build a high-quality culture, enhancing teachers’ digital teaching ability and data wisdom, and results-oriented enhancement of community stickiness.
頁次 061-068
關鍵詞 虚拟教研室 本科教学 教学学术 教学创新 virtual teaching research community undergraduate teaching scholarship of teaching and learning teaching and learning innovations CSSCI
卷期 445
日期 202402
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社