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篇名 美國大學中文分班方式
並列篇名 Chinese Placement Procedures at U.S. Postsecondary Institutions
作者 魏妙純(Miao-Chun WEI)
中文摘要 本研究以量化、質化綜合研究方法探討美國四年制非營利大學非零起點中文學生中文溝通能力(Canale and Swain 1980; Canale 1983)的分班機制。通過隨機抽選的大學網頁資訊(共226所)、中文項目分班負責人的網上問卷(共二十七份),以及與中文項目分班負責人的一對一訪談(共二十人)三組蒐集的資料得出研究結果。結果顯示五種常見的中文分班方式為:筆試、口語面談、背景問卷填寫、標準化測試(如AP與IB)與修課時長對應(seat-time equivalency)。此外,並無任何一種單一分班方式可以放諸四海適用;唯有多重評量方式才能較全面地評估日趨多元、異質性學生的中文溝通能力。
英文摘要 This quant-QUAL sequential explanatory mixed methods study describes a framework for evaluating the communicative competence (Canale and Swain 1980; Canale 1983) of non-beginner students of Chinese for placement purposes at U.S. four-year postsecondary institutions. Three data sources informed this study: (1) a sample of randomly-selected institutional websites on Chinese placement procedures (n1 = 226), (2) an online survey of program coordinators’ perceptions (n2= 27), and (3) a follow-up semi-structured individual interview with Chinese program coordinators (n3 = 20).Findings revealed five commonly-used procedures: (1) written test, (2) oral interview, (3) background questionnaire, (4) standardized tests (Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate®), and (5) seat-time equivalency. In addition, the data demonstrated that one method does not fit all: only a combination of multidimensional measures can holistically evaluate increasingly heterogeneous students’ Chinese communicative competence.
頁次 061-091
關鍵詞 中文 分班 高等教育機構 溝通能力 銜接性 articulation Chinese communicative competence placement postsecondary institution THCI
卷期 17:1
日期 202003
刊名 華語文教學研究
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會