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篇名 中文第二語言學習者受事話題句中填充詞——語缺依賴關係的建立
並列篇名 Second Language Resolution of Filler-gap Dependencies in Chinese Object Topicalized Sentences
作者 劉捷(Jie LIU)
中文摘要 Clahsen與Felser(2006)提出第二語言學習者實時句子處理中更依賴於語義和語用信息,而對句法信息的使用存在一定限制。基於Wagers與Philips(2009),本文旨在研究英語為母語的漢語第二語言學習者能否在存在多個語缺的漢語受事主題句中建立填充詞-語缺依賴關係,以及句法知識在語缺預測過程中的作用。自定義速度閱讀實驗的結果表明,中文第二語言學習者傾向於僅在句法要求的位置預測語缺,為第二語言句子處理中句法知識的有效利用提供了依據。
英文摘要 Clahsen and Felser(2006) proposed that second language (L2) processing lacks syntactic details and relies more on semantic and pragmatic information instead. To investigate whether grammatical knowledge underlies L2 on-line processing, and to address the potential issue that evidence of avoiding gap-positing in islands can be discarded based on an alternative interpretation that islands are simply bottlenecks for processing, the present study, based on Wagers and Phillips (2009), investigates L2 gap-positing in sentences with multiple gap positions, and examines whether gap-filling is grammatically-guided in a new domain: Chinese topicalization. The results of a self-paced reading study suggested that similar to native speakers, English-speaking learners of Chinese tend to only resolve filler-gap dependencies in grammatically required positions, providing evidence that L2 processing is grammar-driven.
頁次 033-060
關鍵詞 中文話題句 第二語言句子處理 填充詞-語缺依賴關係 Chinese topicalized sentences filler-gap dependencies L2 processing THCI
卷期 17:1
日期 202003
刊名 華語文教學研究
出版單位 世界華語文教育學會