

篇名 学术“锦标赛” 制下高校“女青椒” 的制度认同与生存选择
並列篇名 Institutional Identity and Survival Choice of College Young Female Teacher under the Academic Championship System
作者 武晓伟(WU Xiao-wei) 、吴枋泠(WU Fang-ling) 、牛宙(NIU Zhou)
中文摘要 21世纪是知识经济时代,为加快科学研究、知识创新的步伐,为鼓励教师产出更多学术成果,众多高校借鉴“锦标赛制理论”,构建了学术评价的锦标赛机制。本研究通过对某研究型大学一名“女青椒” 的个案研究,揭示出当前高校青年女教师在学术锦标赛模式下的生存样态,并探讨其对这种学术制度的认同与行为选择。研究认为:学术“锦标赛”制通过利益捆绑激发了“女青椒” 的学术研究热情,却异化了她们的制度认同与行为选择。在当前学术“锦标赛”制下,高校女教师比男教师具有更多阻抗。
英文摘要 The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy. In order to accelerate the pace of scientific research and knowledge innovation, in order to encourage teachers to produce more academic achievements, many colleges and universities draw^ on the a championship system theory” and build a championship mechanism for academic evaluation. This study reveals the current situation of young female teachers in colleges under the academic championship mode. Through a case study of in a research university, We will discuss these teachers’ identification and behavioral choices for this academic system. The study believes that the academic “championship” system has stimulated the academic research enthusiasm of young female teachers through interest bundling, but alienated their institutional identity and behaviors. Under the current academic “championship” system, female teachers in colleges have more resistance than male teachers.
頁次 064-069
關鍵詞 大学 学术“锦标赛” 青年女教师 college academic championship system young female teacher CSSCI
卷期 31:6
日期 201911
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心