

篇名 當前食農教育發展困境分析
並列篇名 Analysis of the Current Dilemma of Food and Agriculture Education Development
作者 陳鍾仁(Chung-Jen Chen)
中文摘要 國人飲食習慣的改變所造成對農業的疏離,政府研擬制定「食農教育法」,透過飲食和農業的連結增進國民健康,進而促進農業發展、提高糧食自給率與對環境友善的目的。本研究運用文獻分析與新制度論方法,分析當前食農教育之四大困境,與初步提出因應策略。四大困境分別是:一、尚無完備法規制度導致主管機關不明確與經費不足;二、十二年國民基本教育課程綱要對食農教育著墨少;三、師資側重於健康的飲食認知,反而缺少對農業現況的認識與關懷;四、對於有益環境消費意識與食農價值的認識不足。因應四大困境,建議我國食農教育政策規劃如下:一、釐清食農教育目的及確認中央和地方權責單位;二、確認食農教育目標與推動方式、原則與師資培育;三、政府對食農教育的輔導、資訊提供及設置推廣據點;四、政府機關所屬強制完成食農教育且定期提報。
英文摘要 Taiwanese people keep away from agriculture which is caused by changing in their eating habits. So government develops “Food and Agriculture Education Law”, in order to improve national health through the link between diet and agriculture, then promote agricultural development, increase food self-sufficiency rate, and be environmentally friendly. This study adopts literature analysis and new institutional theory, analyzes the current four dilemmas of food education and proposes corresponding strategies. Four major dilemmas are: 1. Insufficient regulations and systems lead to uncertainty and insufficient funds for competent authorities 2. Twelve-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline 3. Teachers focus on healthy diet awareness, lacking of the knowledge and careness about the current situation of agriculture 4. Lack of awareness of environmentally friendly consumption and food farmers’ value In response to the four major dilemmas, I suggest that our country’s food education policy be as follows: 1. Clarify the purpose of food education and identify the duties of central and local authorities 2. Identify the goals, promotion, of food education, principles, and teacher training of food education, 3. Government shall guide, provide information and set up promotion bases for food education 4. Government agencies are required to complete food education and report regularly
頁次 210-223
關鍵詞 食育 食農教育 環境教育 food education environmental education
卷期 125
日期 202001
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202001_(125).0008