

篇名 双因子模型下的幼儿园师幼互动研究
並列篇名 The Research on the Bi-factor Model of Teacher-child interaction
作者 王双(WANG Shuang) 、胡碧颖(HU Bi-ying) 、范息涛(FAN Xi-tao) 、宋占美(SONG Zhan-mei)
中文摘要 幼儿教师师幼互动能力的提升是当前我国学前教育领域的一项重要议题。本研究基于CLASS量表的测量数据,检验了师幼互动的双因子模型及其对学前儿童各领域发展的关系,并探索了教师特征和班级特征对双因子模型下的师幼互动质量的影响。结果发现:双因子模型拟合度较好;双因子模型中的一般因子“反应性教学”显著预测儿童各领域的发展水平;教师工作经验与月收入、班级师幼比均显著预测“反应性教学” 因子。双因子模型更好地反映出我国幼儿园师幼互动的内容与结构,并有效地预测儿童发展水平。提升教师收入和班级师幼比、降低教师流失是提升师幼互动质量的关键。
英文摘要 The three-factor, two-factor, one-factor and bi-factor model of CLASS were compared by confirmatory factor analysis in this study. The results showed that the bi-factor model fit the data well. This study further examined the relationship between the bi-factor model and children’s development. The results showed that the general factor of the bi-factor model (i. e. , responsivity teaching) significantly predicted children,s development across social and cognitive domains , whereas the two special factors were significantly related to children, s executive function and cognitive skills , respectively. Furthermore, the results in this study also indicated that teachers’ experience, monthly income, teacher-to-child ratio, and class size significantly predicted the general factor “responsivity teaching”. Improving teachers’ income and teacher-to-child ratio, reducing class size are crucial for improving the overall quality of teacher-child interaction.
頁次 056-063
關鍵詞 师幼互动 双因子模型 儿童发展水平 teacher-child interaction bi-factor model child outcome CSSCI
卷期 31:6
日期 201911
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心