

篇名 概念為本的探究教學:由Bruner到Taba的觀點
並列篇名 Concept-based Inquiry Teaching: Bruner and Taba’s Thoughts
作者 莊德仁(Te-Jen Chuang)
中文摘要 本文旨在就Bruner所關注之學科知識結構為本的探究教學,乃至Taba的概念為本的探究教學,進行討論。之所以有此必要,是因為做為現場教師的筆者,感受到此種以概念為本的探究教學似乎是108新課綱的革新要項之一。本文試以Bruner與Taba為中心,希望能從思想史的角度,爬梳出以概念為本探究教學法的要義。全文分為四節,前言分析1960年代美國教育界出現的斷裂問題,釐清當時教育思想發展的時代背景。第二節分析Bruner關注學科知識結構與其探究教學歷程間的關係。第三節分析Taba概念為本探究教學的主張及其影響。結論則強調面對新時代全球化與互聯網的挑戰,需揚棄記憶眾多不相干破碎知識的教學,而朝向以概念為本的探究教學為努力目標。
英文摘要 The purpose of this paper is to discuss the teaching structure of subject knowledge structure that Bruner pays attention to, as well as the Concept-based of Taba, while paying attention to inquiry teaching and discussing the history of thought. The reason why this discussion is necessary is because as the author of the field teacher, I feel that this conceptbased inquiry teaching seems to be one of the innovations of the 108 curriculum. This article tries to focus on Bruner and Taba, hoping to explore the development of the concept-based inquiry teaching method from the perspective of the history of inquiry teaching. The full text is divided into four sections. The preface analyzes the fracture problems in the American education field in the 1960s and clarifies the background of the development of educational thought at that time. The second section analyzes the relationship between Bruner’s attentional subject knowledge structure and his inquiry teaching process. The third section analyzes the educational ideas and influence of Taba’s concept-based inquiry teaching. The conclusion re-emphasizes that in the face of the challenges of globalization and the Internet in the new era, it is necessary to abandon the teaching of many irrelevant and broken knowledge, and to pursue the concept-based inquiry teaching.
頁次 036-047
關鍵詞 Bruner Taba 知識概念 探究教學 knowledge concept inquiry teaching
卷期 310
日期 202002
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020020310003