

篇名 運用影音個案實施問題個案研討以培養師資生班級經營實務能力之研究
並列篇名 Using Videos as Case Studies to Cultivate Practical Classroom Management Skills in Pre-Service Teachers
作者 陳琦媛(Chi-Yuan Chen)
中文摘要 班級經營為教師之重要知能,僅透過課堂講述,雖能幫助學生掌握班級經營重要知識,卻較難建立班級經營實務問題之處理能力。雖已有研究嘗試於班級經營課程建立學生實務問題之處理能力,但顯少研究運用影音個案作為教材。緣此,本研究旨在運用影音個案教材於班級經營課程中培養學生之實務問題處理能力,並探討學生之學習成效與教材使用感想。本研究以109學年度大學師資職前教育之班級經營課程為研究場域,46位修課學生為研究對象,運用自行研發之「霸凌」、「學生不當行為」、「親師衝突」與「校園安全事件」四個主題的影音個案與配套教材為教學內容**。透過作業評量了解學習成效,小組討論自、互評蒐集學習參與情形,並運用課後問卷調查與訪談蒐集學習感想。研究結果顯示,影音個案教材有助於建立實務問題之處理能力,學習成效依主題而不同。學生認真參與分組討論,但傾向聆聽他人想法多於分享自身看法。學生肯定個案影片能清楚呈現個案發生過程有助於了解處理程序與方法,小組討論可促進腦力激盪並吸收多元觀點,回家作業有助於複習反思及加深印象,業師參與能學習實務經驗並檢視所發想策略之可行性。本研究結果可供班級經營課程提升學生實務問題處理能力之參考。
英文摘要 Classroom management is an essential skill for teachers. Although lectures can enable students to obtain crucial knowledge regarding classroom management, they cannot cultivate the ability to handle actual classroom management problems. Although studies have investigated developing students’ problem-solving skills in classroom management courses, few have used video cases as instructional materials. Therefore, in this study, video case instruction in classroom management course materials was used to develop students’ abilities to handle actual problems and students’ learning outcomes and their perceptions of using these materials were explored. A preservice teacher classroom management course of the 2020-2021 academic year was used as the research site, and the 46 students taking the course were included as research participants. Self-developed video cases and supporting instructional materials on four themes (bullying, academic misconduct, parent-teacher conflict, and campus safety) were used as teaching content.** This study used assignment assessments to understand students’ learning outcomes, peer and self-assessments of the group discussion to collect learning participation data, and after-class questionnaires and interviews to determine the students’ learning perceptions. The results revealed that video case instructional materials can enable students to acquire the ability to deal with practical problems. The learning outcomes varied with the course themes. Students engaged seriously in group discussions but were more likely to listen to others than to share their own ideas. Moreover, the students verified that the video cases clearly presented the sequence of classroom management cases, which enabled them to understand the procedures and methods required to handle such cases. In this study, group discussions promoted brainstorming and absorption of multiple viewpoints; the assignments enabled the students to review, reflect, and form deeper impressions; and teachers sharing their experiences enabled the students to learn practical knowledge and analyze the feasibility of proposed strategies. The results of this study can be used as a reference for improving students’ abilities to deal with classroom management problems.
頁次 155-210
關鍵詞 師資培育 班級經營 影音個案 teacher education classroom management video cases
卷期 5:2
日期 202209
刊名 教學實踐與創新
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
DOI 10.53106/261654492022090502004