

篇名 高校海归教师的同事间异质性对知识分享意愿的影响:团队归属氛围感知与信任的作用
並列篇名 Effect of University Returnees Teachers’ Mismatch Within the Dyad and Knowledge Sharing Intention: The Role of Perceived Group Affiliation Climate and Trust
作者 陈琳(CHEN Lin) 、张宇(ZHANG Yu) 、袁庆宏(YUAN Qing-hong)
中文摘要 基于自我决定理论、计划行为理论和社会交换理论,通过问卷法获取344位天津市高校海归教师的样本数据,使用多元回归分析法,探究了知识分享意愿的影响因素与内在机制。研究结果发现:高校海归教师的同事间异质性对知识分享意愿有显著的负向影响;认知信任在同事间异质性与知识分享意愿之间起到完全中介效应;团队归属氛围感知在同事间异质性与知识分享意愿之间起正向调节效应。研究结论拓展了知识管理和人才管理理论内涵,对高校海归教师的创新绩效与激励管理实践具有一定现实指导意义。
英文摘要 Based on Self-Determination Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Exchange Theory, we use 344 questionnaires of university returnees in Tianjin, through multiple regression analysis, to explore the influence factors of knowledge sharing intention and internal mechanism. The results show that the mismatch within the dyad of university returnees has a significant negative effect on the knowledge sharing intention. Cognition-based trust plays a complete mediating role between the mismatch within the dyad and knowledge sharing intention. University returnees perceived group affiliation climate has a positive moderating effect between mismatch within the dyad and knowledge sharing intention. The research conclusion expands the theoretical connotation of knowledge management and talent management, and also has certain practical meaning to the innovation performance and motivation management of university returnees.
頁次 039-046
關鍵詞 高校海归教师 知识分享意愿 同事间异质性 信任 团队归属氛围感知 university returnees knowledge sharing intention mismatch within the dyad trust perceived group affiliation climate CSSCI
卷期 31:6
日期 201911
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心