

篇名 屏東萬巒鄉平埔客家文化涵化現象的調查
並列篇名 Investigation of the Acculturationbetween Hakka and Pingpu in Wanluan Township Pingtung
作者 于文正(Wen-Cheng Yu) 、徐義權(Yi-Chua Hsu)
中文摘要 本研究延續我們過去數年在東海岸針對當地平埔馬卡道族與客家籍民眾的民俗活動田野調查,在屏東平原對平埔馬卡道族、客家與閩南族群是否維持相同民俗活動進行田野調查與結構式訪談,我們一共走訪了7個聚落:萬金、赤山、五溝水、加匏朗、萬和村、糶糴村、四維村(濫庄、下本縣廍),訪談了17位包括客家籍、平埔馬卡道族、閩南籍以及有通婚背景的民眾。嘗試瞭解這些民眾在冬至、除夕、張貼五福紙與設置天公爐等民俗活動上的現況與差異。這次的田野調查自2017年6月起,到2018年九月結束。過去在東海岸的長濱鄉,我們曾經推論平埔馬卡道族的相關民俗活動可能是因為早年接觸客家族群學習而來,但這次我們的調查結果卻發現在屏東平原的四維村當地閩南族群卻保有相關的民俗活動,整體而言他們與平埔馬卡道族更為相似,會在冬至把湯圓黏在門前、除夕貼五福紙、除夕子時不會拜天公、同時聚落中都發現有民眾家中特別設置天公爐。但在屏東平原我們所調查的幾個客家聚落間,這些民俗活動卻存在著比較大的差異性,這些客家聚落雖然在貼五福紙方面比較相似,但卻不一定都有獨立的天公爐、冬至黏湯圓也僅限少數非常高齡的民眾,而除夕子時拜天公的習俗在聚落間也不同。經由這次的調查,我們認為平埔馬卡道族這些相關的民俗活動比較可能是受到更早年他們所接觸的閩南族群影響。在訪談中我們也獲得許多關於民俗活動是否會繼續保留下去的相關資訊,我們曾經提出的涵化現象的概念圖,通婚、收養與居住在相同的空間比較容易發生民俗活動的文化合成,但人們的學習經驗、團體壓力都會影響個人決定是否持續某些民俗活動,因此我們也修改了這個概念圖,加入商品化對各族群物質文化的影響,商品化的程度越高,越容易發生許多民俗活動用品趨向一致性的現象。
英文摘要 This study continuedour field survey aboutfolklore activities on the East Coast between localPingpu Makatto and Hakka people in the past few years. What we concerned waswhether the PingpuMakatto, Hakka and Hokloethnic groups maintain the same folk activitiesin the Pingtung Plain. By field investigation and structured interviews, we visited 7 villagesandinterviewed 17 respondentsinclude Hakka, Pingpu Makatto, Hokloand people with intermarriagebackground. We triedto understand the current situation and differences between these people on folklore activities such as:the winter solstice, Chinese New Year's Eveworship, posting Wufu paper and setting up God censer. This field investigation began fromJune 2017 totheendofSeptember 2018. In the pastyears, we once inferred that related folk activities of the PingpuMakattomightcome from contacting Hakka group, but wefoundthere weremore similaritiesbetween local Hokloethnic group and Pingpu Makattoin this study. Overall they weremore similar to each other in folk activities. They stick the rice dumplings on the front door in winter solstice, they all pasted the five blessingspaper, and they didn’t worship God in the midnight of the ChineseNew Year’s Eve. We foundGod censerin their house. However, there werequite a few differences between these folk activities in the Hakka villageswe surveyed. Although these Hakka villages weresimilar in terms of stickingWufu paper, but they do not necessarily have independent God censerand they won’t stick the rice dumplings on the wall exceptlimited to very few old people.And there wasdifference between Hakka village about the midnight worship God in the Chinese New Year'sEve.Because all these finding, we rather to believe that the related folk activities of the Pingpu Makattomight comefrom theinfluence of the Hoklo ethnic group they met inmuch more earlieryear.
頁次 021-051
關鍵詞 平埔馬卡道族 客家 民俗文化 PingpuMakatto Hakka Folk Culture
卷期 9:1
日期 201905
刊名 休閒研究
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心