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篇名 十二年國教下終身學習教師專業發展資歷架構芻議
並列篇名 A Proposal for Qualification Framework of the Lifelong Teacher Professional Development Under 12-year Basic Education
作者 王等元(Deng-Yuan Wang)
中文摘要 十二年國民基本教育實施後,教育部為了回應社會各界對學校教育品質的諸多期待,分別於2013年、2019年提出「師資培育白皮書」與「終身學習教師圖像」二份政策文件,以擘劃未來師資培育發展並導引中小學教師專業發展。然而目前教師在職進修為人所詬病者之一,為缺乏一個完善的教師專業發展體系,以規範教師專業成長活動;因此,終身學習教師專業發展的資源浪費就成為無可避免之事。因此,本文擬從教師專業發展的內涵與實施的角度出發,以文獻分析方法,針對相關文獻進行歸納分析,並借鏡歐盟等先進國家的經驗,以建構一個中小學教師專業發展資歷架構模型,俾供未來十二年國教下推動終身學習教師專業發展之參考。
英文摘要 In order to response to people’s expectation high quality school education, the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Taiwan announced the “Teacher Education White Paper” and the “Lifelong Learning Teacher Profile” in 2012 and 2019 respectively to plan and guide pre-service teacher education and teacher professional development in the future. However, for the time being, one major criticism of the teacher education is that there has been a lack of a sound and comprehensive teacher professional development system in Taiwan to regulate implementation of teacher professional activities. As a result, it is inevitable that it leads to the waste of the teacher professional development resources. In view of the conditions mentioned above, this article aims to construct an 8-tier Taiwanese Qualifications Framework of Teacher Professional Development. Through literature review and document analysis, this research proposes a qualification framework for school teacher professional development. It is hoped that this framework can serve as useful reference for implementation of lifelong learning teacher profession development under 12-year Basic Education in Taiwan.
頁次 057-090
關鍵詞 十二年國民教育 師資培育 教師專業發展 資歷架構 12-year Compulsory Education Teacher Education Teacher Professional Development Qualification Framework TSSCI
卷期 27:1
日期 202401
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202401_27(1).0003