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篇名 中小學國際交流活動課程化之行動研究
並列篇名 An Action Research of Transforming International Exchange Activity into Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Schools
作者 朱元隆(Yuan-Lung Chu)
中文摘要 國際教育白皮書2.0揭櫫國際交流活動課程化的理念,希望學校能將議題實質內涵、學生學習目標、表現任務、活動流程及評量規準做系統性的規劃。然而,並非所有教師都熟悉如何轉化學生學習目標與訂定評量規準。本研究透過行動研究,邀請16所學校團隊協作,發展國際交流工具包,朝國際交流活動課程化的方向發展。本文說明研究者如何引導學校透過國際交流活動將議題實質內涵轉化為學習目標,並且發展評量工具與規準。研究結果發現,透過列舉適當的範例加以說明,對於具備不同課程發展經驗的教師給予不同的引導,能順利達成轉化學習目標的目的。此外,協作教師表示透過學習目標的轉化更能夠具象化學生的行為表現,加上發展評量工具與評量規準,更能掌握學生在議題實質內涵的表現情形,對設計國際交流活動課程化有很大的助益,有利於深化國際交流活動。
英文摘要 The ideal of transforming international exchange activity into curriculum has been revealed in the White Paper 2.0 on International Education for primary and sencondary Schools. It encourages school teachers to consider curriculum-related components, including key competency, student learning objective, task performance, learning activity and rubrics for assessment, while developing an internationnal exchange activity. However, some school teachers are not familiar with transforming learning objectives and developing rubrics for international exchange activity. This study applied action research on the process of collaboration for transforming international exchange activity into curriculum to understand the learning experiences of the learning community. The results showed that teachers could convert practical content into learning objective well, with providing abundant examples and individual guidance strategies according to their experience on developing curriculum. Participants agreed that listing learning objective can concretize performance anticipated on students. It was also helpful along with design of rubrics when developing an international exchange activity. All in all, lesson plan package of international exchange activity facilitated popularization of activity transforming policy, which lead to long-term and deepen learning through internatnionl exchange.
頁次 067-082
關鍵詞 活動課程化 國際交流 評量規準 學習目標轉化 transforming learning activity into curriculum international exchange rubrics transforming learning objectivy
卷期 338
日期 202206
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022060338005