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篇名 當國際教育2.0遇到雙語教育:教師專業的挑戰與想像
並列篇名 When International Education 2.0 Encounters Bilingual Education: Imagination and Challenges of Teaching Profession
作者 鄭宛鈺(Wan-Yu Cheng) 、鄭勝耀((Kent) Sheng-Yao Cheng)
中文摘要 為面對21世紀更為激烈的國際競爭與全球挑戰,我國教育部先於2011年4月公布實施「中小學國際教育白皮書:扎根培育21世紀國際化人才」(以下簡稱國際教育1.0),實施10年後,為因應中小學教育國際化的內外部環境變遷,教育部再於2020年5月頒布「中小學國際教育白皮書2.0」(以下簡稱國際教育2.0),揭示自2011年以來推動的國際教育1.0正式轉變為以「培育全球公民、促進教育國際化與拓展全球交流」為目標的國際教育2.0階段;與此同時,2018年12月行政院通過由國家發展委員會所提出之「2030雙語政策發展藍圖」,聚焦在「厚植國人英語力與提升國家競爭力」,並培養更多的本土雙語人才。「中小學國際教育白皮書2.0」與「2030雙語政策發展藍圖」因其立意、目標與推動重點不同,在教師專業發展之規劃上亦產生不同的面向與影響,兩者是否有對話的空間與可能性?本文擬以全球化及國際化辯證的視角,檢視在全球新冠疫情衝擊下,國際教育2.0與雙語教育的教師專業發展規劃與當前的面貌,進一步討論其各自面對之挑戰與想像未來彼此對話與連結的可能性。
英文摘要 In May 2020, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan promulgated a white paper on International Education 2.0 for primary and secondary schools, revealing that the international education promoted since 2011 has entered the stage of “cultivating global citizens, promoting the internationalization of education, and expanding global exchanges”. In the same year, the Ministry of Education and the National Development Council jointly issued the “2030 Bilingual National Policy” in order to “strengthen the English ability of the Chinese people, enhance the national competitiveness, and cultivate more local bilingual talents”. Since the “White Paper on International Education 2.0” and the “2030 Bilingual National Policy” have different ideas, goals, and promotion priorities, they also have different aspects and impacts on the planning of teachers’ professional development. Is there any space and possibility for dialogue between the two? This research intends to examine, from the perspective of globalization and internationalization dialectics, under the impact of the global new crown epidemic, the professional development plan and current situation of teachers in international education 2.0 and bilingual education, and further discuss the challenges they face and imagine each other in the future. Possibility of dialogue and connection.
頁次 033-047
關鍵詞 全球化 國際化 國際教育2.0 教師專業發展 雙語教育 globalization international education international education 2.0 teaching profession bilingual education
卷期 338
日期 202206
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022060338003