

篇名 教科书里的劳动者形象塑造——劳动教育融入学校课程的探索
並列篇名 The Modelling of Laborers’ Image in Textbooks: Exploration of Integrating Labor Education into Curriculum of Schools
作者 胡月(Hu Yue) 、靳玉乐(Jin Yule)
中文摘要 充分挖掘教科书里劳动者形象塑造的教育价值,是劳动教育融入学校课程的重要举措。本文以中小学三科统编教材为研究对象,通过界定教科书里的劳动者形象内涵,确立劳动者形象塑造的七个分析维度,发现统编教材里的劳动者形象塑造在人物选取、品格塑造、教学建议上有所取舍和偏向,在整体结构上呈现出鲜明的学科特色、男性倾向以及以图文结合的塑造方式等特征。未来,教科书要通过重构劳动者形象塑造的内涵,调整劳动者形象塑造的结构来进一步提升知识世界里的劳动教育品质。
英文摘要 Full excavations of educational values of laborers’ image in textbooks can be said as one important measure to integrate labor education policy into schools’ curriculum. By taking the unified textbooks in primary and secondary schools as research objects, this paper defined the connotation of laborers’ image in textbooks, as well as established totally seven analytical dimensions for creations of laborers’ image. In addition, it also explored the orientation of laborers’ image in unified textbooks of ideology and political education in character selection, character shaping and teaching suggestions respectively. From overall structure, this paper presented distinctive discipline characteristics, masculine tendencies, as well as related features dominated by mixed graphics and texts. It suggested that in future all the textbooks improve overall labor-education quality in the knowledge world by recreating connotation of laborers’ image and adjust corresponding structure.
頁次 105-115
關鍵詞 劳动者形象 劳动教育 三科统编教材 laborers’ image labor education unified complied textbooks CSSCI
卷期 40:6
日期 202206
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.06.008