

篇名 如何让“劳动”成为一种“教育”?——对劳动与劳动教育的概念之思
並列篇名 How to Transform Labour into a Kind of Education: On the Conception of Labour and Labour Education
作者 檀传宝(Tan Chuanbao)
中文摘要 “有劳动无教育”现象之所以产生,一个重要的认识根源是对“劳动教育”的概念内涵、逻辑定位以及“劳动”与“教育”的关系等理论问题缺乏深入的思考。与德育、智育、体育、美育不同,劳动教育是一个复合性的教育概念,是一般教育到真实劳动世界的中介环节。让“劳动”成为“劳动教育”,或让“劳动”具有“教育性”,就是要让一般意义上的劳动实践与德、智、体、美诸素养的培育建立自觉、自然、有机的关联。劳动教育的开展也因而应当与日常教育生活建立全面的联系。让劳动成为一种教育,或者让“劳动”具有“教育性”命题的确立,不仅对纠正“有劳动无教育”的实践偏颇,而且对全方位开展劳动教育、正确认识和有效建立劳动教育与学生日常生活的关系、防止“反劳动教育”错误思维、依据学段与类型实际开展符合教育规律的劳动教育等,都具有十分重要的现实意义。
英文摘要 Recognizing the phenomenon that “there is labour without education” necessitates the theoretical-philosophical reconsideration, in particular, of the conception of labour education and of the relationship between labour and education. In comparison with moral education, intellectual education, physical education as well as aesthetic education, labour education is a compound of these educational concepts and meanwhile a link between general education and the real-life labour world. To transform ‘labour’ into ‘labour education’, or say to think of ‘labour’ from the education perspective, it is to develop conscious, natural, and organic connection between labour practice in general sense and the cultivation of educational competencies embodied in morals, intelligence, physical health and aesthetics. The practice of labour education is fundamentally associated with the daily educational life. Emphasizing the educational conception of labour not only helps rectify the current distorted situation in which ‘there is labour without education’, but also has other significant implications. That is, it also helps implementing an all-round labour education, building a proper relationship between labour education and students’ daily lives, preventing ‘anti-labour education’, and respecting the educational principles that are inherent in different stages of schooling and in various educational institutions.
頁次 097-104
關鍵詞 劳动教育 有劳动无教育 反劳动教育 labour education labour without education anti-labour education CSSCI
卷期 40:6
日期 202206
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2022.06.007