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篇名 國際教育2.0的時代脈絡與政策制定
並列篇名 The Factors Informing the International Education 2.0 Policymaking
作者 邱玉蟾(Chiu Yu-Chan)
中文摘要 2020年5月教育部發布的《中小學國際教育白皮書2.0》(簡稱國際教育2.0),從願景、目標到實施計畫,擘劃完整,惜對於政策願景及目標規劃的脈絡緣由並無明確揭示。本文旨在闡明國際教育2.0政策願景及目標與時代脈絡的關聯性,期待中小學教育工作者對這個政策能有更進一步的認識。本文首先闡述國際教育2.0政策所處的時代為「國際化」與「全球化」重疊共存的時代;政策聚焦的三面向為「人才培育」、「環境整備」及「對外機制」;繼而解析時代脈絡中的「國際關係思潮」、「國際交流規則」及「國際連結機制」與國際教育2.0三個政策目標—「培育全球公民」、「促進教育國際化」及「拓展全球交流」的關聯。最後歸納出國際教育2.0政策制定的三項特色為「具有宏觀時代視野」、「建基於國際時代脈絡」及「兼顧時代潮流與國情」。
英文摘要 The Ministry of Education released the policy set out in the White Paper 2.0 on International Education for Primary and Secondary Schools (International Education 2.0) in May of 2020, without clearly explaining the context and factors that informed the planning of the policy vision and goals behind it. The aim of this paper is to explain how the overall context of the times in which they were articulated determined the policy vision and goals of International Education 2.0, in order to give people working in the primary and secondary education sector a better understanding of this policy. This paper begins by explaining International Education 2.0 was conceived in a time of the overlapping influences of internationalization and globalization, and why International Education 2.0 focus on three dimensions: talent cultivation, environmental preparation, and external interaction mechanisms. It then gives an analysis of the connection between the international context of the times (ideological trends of international relations, rules of international exchanges, and international linkage mechanisms) and the three policy goals that were articulated (cultivating global citizens, promoting education internationalization, and expanding global exchanges). It concludes with an outline of the following three features of how the International Education 2.0 policymaking was undertaken: 1. Policymakers looked at the times from a broad perspective; 2. The policymaking was based on the overall international context of the times; and 3. The policymaking took into account both the current trends of the times – internationalization, and globalization – and the national situation.
頁次 004-017
關鍵詞 全球化 政策制定 國際化 國際教育2.0 globalization policymaking internationalization International Education 2.0
卷期 338
日期 202206
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602022060338001