

篇名 美、英、澳、星四國中小學師資生遴選標準及對我國啟示之探討
並列篇名 Selection Criteria for Primary and Secondary Preservice Teachers in the United States, Britain, Australia, and Singapore and the Enlightenment to Taiwan
作者 蘇容梅(Jung-Mei Su)
中文摘要 教師素質是奠定學生成就的重要基礎,如何吸引、遴選、培訓和留住優秀教師,為國際逐漸重視之議題。本研究以師資生遴選為主題,旨在瞭解美國、英國、澳洲與新加坡強化師資生遴選的背景緣由,以及當前採用的師資生遴選作法。研究結果發現,美、英、澳、星四個國家皆設有專責單位訂定師資生遴選標準,重視申請人的基本讀寫算能力,並以認知為主要遴選測驗內容。依據四個國家之經驗,提供國內制定師資生入學制度之啟示,包括:一、加入基本能力檢核,確保師資生學術基礎;二、依據師資專長特性,訂定合適的遴選標準;三、結合多樣性的非認知類檢測,並提供周全的輔導及獎勵,增進師資生遴選效能。
英文摘要 The quality of teachers is an important predictor of student achievement. The methods to attract, select, train, and retain outstanding teachers have been attracting considerable attention the field of Taiwanese education. This article explores the selection of preservice teachers, aiming to understand the background of reasons for teacher selection in the United States, Britain, Australia and Singapore and the current selection criteria and practices. The study results found that these four countries control teacher education quality through dedicated units. The selection tests focus on basic reading and writing skills, and the selection method is mainly based on cognitive tests. This study of preservice teacher selection in four countries provides inspiration for developing basic ability tests to ensure that preservice teachers have the necessary academic foundation and establishing appropriate selection criteria combined with diversity non-cognitive testing.
頁次 135-166
關鍵詞 師資生遴選 師資培育 遴選標準 preservice teacher selection teacher education selection criteria TSSCI
卷期 65:2
日期 202006
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
DOI 10.6209/JORIES.202006_65(2).0005