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篇名 大學生社會責任養成之實踐與反思:以單元式體驗學習融入「國語文能力表達」課程為例
並列篇名 Practice and Reflection on the Cultivation of College Student’s Social Responsibility: A Case Study of the Integration of Unit of Experiential Learning into the Course “Ability of Expressing in Spoken and Written Chinese”
作者 李懿純(LEE, Yi-Chun) 、紀俊龍(CHI, Chun-Lung)
中文摘要 臺灣高等教育中有關國語文教育課程的文本教學,已具相當成熟之運作體系與知識理論脈絡架構;然其中卻也始終存在著困境與疑義,即教室的學習能否實踐在生活中?是以本研究將聚焦於國語文學習模式之改變,能否作為影響大學生學習之探討,強調課程實施非僅侷限於文本學習,而是在於如何增能大學生對文本的感受與運用問題,進而深化大學生之社會責任養成。本研究之設計歷程,正是透過文本解說與大學生操作、反思、回饋等步驟,結合臺北市立啟明學校辦理之「視障者城市定向行動競賽」及「天母親山登階」兩項活動以志工服務體驗為主體;目標為探討藉由單元式體驗學習融入教學模式之改變及歷程,提升大學生語文學習之成效,並促進反思學習以增能社會責任之養成,亦扭轉傳統語文課程之印象經驗,進而提高學習參與之動機。
英文摘要 The text teaching of Chinese language education curriculum in Taiwan higher education has a quite mature operating system and knowledge theoretical framework. However, there are always difficulties and doubts, that is, can classroom learning be embodied in life practice? Therefore, this study will focus on whether the change of Chinese learning mode can be used as a discussion to influence college student's learning, and emphasize that curriculum implementation is not limited to text learning, but how to enhance college student’s feelings and application of the text, so as to deepen college student's cultivation of social responsibility. The design process of this study is based on two volunteer service experiences, namely, the “urban directional action competition for the visually impaired” and “Tianmu mountain hiking” held by Taipei School for the Visually Impaired. The purpose of this study is to explore whether the change and process of integrating unitary experiential learning into teaching mode can improve the effectiveness of language learning of college students and promote reflective learning to enhance the cultivation of social responsibility. The integration of experiential learning into the Chinese curriculum model can stimulate the germination and practice of social responsibility, and can also reverse the impression of traditional Chinese curriculum, thus improving the motivation of learning participation.
頁次 025-046
關鍵詞 社會責任 體驗學習 國文教學 social responsibility experiential learning Chinese teaching
卷期 40
日期 201912
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
DOI 10.7038/JETP.201912_(40).0002