

篇名 女性「家庭雙重照顧者」之無「法」自拔:反思新公共管理主義下的照顧契約與倫理
並列篇名 Female “Family Dual Caregivers” are Inextricable? Reflecting on Care Contracts and Care Ethics under Neo-Managerialism
作者 劉香蘭(Hsiang-Lan Liu)
中文摘要 我國素以家庭、女性為主的照顧(care)提供模式,隨國家介入,照顧提供的部門更多元,在新公共管理主義下透過契約,家庭更成為正式照顧場域,提供生活無法自理的嬰幼兒與成人「像家般」的照顧,產生在自家同時提供非正式無酬照顧與正式有酬照顧的群體,本文暫定為「家庭雙重照顧者」,以正式契約、非正式的照顧契約為運作特徵,勞動現象與倫理意涵較無系統性探索。基於女性主義理論的照顧概念與倫理觀,深入訪談6位女性「家庭雙重照顧者」(出生於1950年與1970年代),主要發現:(1)「家庭雙重照顧者」處於「弱勢者勞動處境」;(2)「弱勢者勞動處境」的面向:家庭去隱私、服務契約難完全商品化、無法退貨、準家屬關係等;(3)此處境受政策強制、市場競爭與文化約束造成無「法」自拔;(4)根源是國家轉嫁照顧責任,輔以市場力量的連動;(5)產生結果是剝削特定女性群體、支解與隱藏照顧勞動、違背照顧倫理。如何為此群體正式命名,將其處境反映在照顧政策、家庭政策,是刻不容緩之事。未來研究可針對不同照顧性別的「家庭雙重照顧者」之勞動現象與倫理議題進行研析。
英文摘要 Traditionally, due to Confucianism, care has long been provided by family and by women in our country. Nowadays, the state has intervened care domain with welfare pluralism and neo-managerialism, thereby generating the differentiation of care provision. Some families have become the units to provide formal and home-like care. As a result, “family dual caregivers” are emerged to provide both informal and formal care at their homes. “Family dual caregivers” are tentatively coined in this paper. To date, the implications and ethical issues about their dual care labour in private sector have been ignored in academic field. Thus, this paper, based on the care concepts and care ethics of Feminist theory, interviewed 6 female “family dual caregivers” (those born in the 1950s and 1970s respectively). The main findings are as follows: (1) “ family dual caregivers” are disadvantaged workers; (2) the dilemmas with which the disadvantaged workers are faced include: family de-privacy, incomplete care contract, semi-family relationships and compulsory work norms of No-return and so on; (3) The root causes of disadvantaged “ family dual caregivers” come from the interactions between structural forces produced by states’ policies, obligations of the Confucianism, and forces of care market; (4) There are some negative effects such as care workers being exploited, care values being devalued, and care duality being dismembered. In conclusion, it is urgent to officially name this group of “family dual caregivers” and protect their rights in care policy and family policy. It’s suggested that future researches take aim at exploring male family dual caregivers’ labour phenomena and ethical issues, such as their wellbeing and rights.
頁次 001-035
關鍵詞 女性主義 新公共管理主義 準家屬關係 照顧倫理 care ethic Feminism Neo-managerialism semi-family relationship TSCI
卷期 43:2
日期 202106
刊名 輔導與諮商學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
DOI 10.3966/181815462021064302001