

篇名 数字教育:应用、共享、创新——2024世界数字教育大会综述
並列篇名 Digital Education: Application, Sharing, and Innovation —Overview of the 2024 World Digital Education Conference
作者 冯婷婷(Feng Tingting) 、刘德建(Liu Dejian) 、黄璐璐(Huang Lulu) 、曹培杰(Cao Peijie) 、曾海军(Zeng Haijun)
中文摘要 新一轮科技革命和产业革命深入发展,数字技术愈发成为驱动人类社会思维方式、组织架构和运作模式发生根本性变革、全方位重塑的引领力量。数字变革正交织成教育改革最动听的合奏。发展数字教育,关键在应用,潜力在共享,生命力在创新,开放合作是必由之路。世界数字教育大会为开展数字教育交流与合作搭建了重要平台。该文基于2024世界数字教育大会的主要观点,探讨了数字教育应用、共享与创新的新理念、新技术和新路径。从“3C”到“GAI3”,围绕教师数字素养与胜任力提升、数字化与学习型社会建设、数字化赋能基础教育高质量发展、人工智能与数字伦理、教育治理数字化与数字教育治理、数字教育评价与数字教育新生态等主题共话未来数字教育之路。
英文摘要 As the new wave of technological and industrial revolutions continues to unfold, digital technology increasingly serves as a driving force reshaping fundamental aspects of human societal thinking, organizational structures, and operational modes. The symphony of educational reform is intricately interwoven with the ongoing digital transformation. The key to advancing digital education lies in application, the potential lies in collaboration, and vitality lies in innovation. Open cooperation is an indispensable path forward. The World Digital Education Conference serves as a crucial platform for fostering exchange and collaboration in digital education. This paper, based on the key insights from the 2024 World Digital Education Conference, explores new concepts, technologies, and pathways in the application, sharing, and innovation of digital education. From “3C” to “GAI3”, the discussion encompasses topics such as enhancing teachers’ digital literacy and competency, building a digitalized and learning-oriented society, empowering basic education through digitalization, artificial intelligence and digital ethics, digital governance in education, and the evaluation of digital education through indices, contributing to the discourse on the future path of digital education.
頁次 020-036
關鍵詞 数字教育 应用 共享 创新 智慧教育 digital education application sharing innovation smart education CSSCI
卷期 446
日期 202403
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社