

篇名 課程變革下的地理教師專業認同
並列篇名 Professional Identity of Geographical Teacher Under the Change of Curriculum Reforms
作者 邱婕歆(Chieh-Hsin Chiu) 、吳連賞(Lien-Shang Wu)
中文摘要 在臺灣,「地理」學科在十二年國民基本教育新課綱的課程變革之中,從單一學科持續再脈絡化為社會學習領域的內容之一,並轉向重視學科本身對學生能力培養的實用性。本研究採Blin提出的教師專業認同對話與引導模型為架構,針對七位高雄市國中地理教師進行深度訪談,理解國中地理教師如何連結主體與學科專業以形塑專業認同。研究發現:一、地理教師以「地理教師」、「行政教師」及「班級導師」三個身分在「地理學科」專業認同與「教師」專業認同兩個認同主軸中切換與疊合;二、以教材轉化為愛鄉愛土、關愛世界的社會再現架構,地圖、實察是為地理學科重要的知識技能;三、在課程變革下,地理教師專業認同為動態調節過程,且受結構性影響與學校職場文化箝制甚多。
英文摘要 In the changes to Taiwan’s 12-year basic education curriculum, geography has continued to be recontextualized from a single discipline into a field of social learning, and attention has turned to the practical benefits of this subject in cultivating students’ abilities. This paper adopted the teacher’s professional identity dialogue and guidance model as its framework, conducting in-depth interviews with seven geography teachers in Kaohsiung City. The first finding of the study was that geography teachers switch between three overlapping categories (geography teacher, administrative teacher, class teacher) within two core identities – a “professional geographer identity” and a “professional teacher identity”. Second, the study found that textbooks can be transformed into a framework for reconstruction of a society that cares about the world, and that maps and observations are important aspects of the knowledge and skills of geography. Third, it was found that in the process of curriculum change, the professional identity of geography teachers is a process of dynamic adjustment, which is greatly affected by structural influences and the workplace culture of the school.
頁次 001-041
關鍵詞 課程 地理教育 教師專業認同 curriculum geography education teacher professional identity TSSCI
卷期 19:1
日期 201906
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會
DOI 10.3966/168020042019061901001