

篇名 從模因學看道家及道教各大宗派的終極關懷與個人生命的關係
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship Between the Ultimate Concern of Taoist Schools and Main Sects of Taoism and the Life of an Individual, from the View of Memetics
作者 余定檉(Ding-Ching Yu)
中文摘要 人是自由的嗎?本文主要以模因學,輔以進化生物學、進化心理學、腦神經科學及哲學宗教人學為研究方法,考察道家及道教各大宗派的終極關懷,發現其中存在不少追求個人精神自由或/和肉身不朽的模因,促使個人視其為人生的整體目標且一切個別行為均以之為指歸,因而反抗遺傳基因複製的驅力,以及對抗自身生命只是基因載具的命運。其中,道家寡欲模因和縱欲模因能達至精神或身體自由;道教食欲和求生欲相關模因卻反使個體滅亡,性欲相關模因限制愉悅但能否促進個人自由成疑;忠孝模因及道重繼嗣模因則與基因複製達成互利共生的生態,既促進基因複製,又成就個人自由。
英文摘要 Are people free? This article applies evolutionary biology, evolutionary psychology, memetics, brain neuroscience, and philosophical religious anthropology as research methods, to investigate the memes about the ultimate concern of Taoist schools and main sects of Taoism. From the view of memetics, this article finds that many memes about the ultimate concern related to the Tao fight against the impulses from genetic replication, and also the destiny of an individual as a gene carrier. The pursuit of the spiritual freedom of the individual or/and the immortality of the flesh, is/are regarded as the goal of life, and all actions of an individual are attributed to it. Among them, both memes of reduced and obsess desire will achieve spiritual or physical freedom; however, memes related to both appetite and survival desire will make an individual perishs, and sexual desire related memes will limit pleasure, but their effect on enhancing the degree of freedom is in doubt; both birth-orientated memes as well as loyal and filial memes will benefit gene replication and set up a mutually beneficial ecosystem finally, and the ecosystem also allows an individual to enhance the degree of freedom.
頁次 079-104
關鍵詞 模因 基因複製 個人生命 身心自由 memes replication of genes the Tao life of an individual freedom of body and soul
卷期 13:1
日期 202106
刊名 生命教育研究
出版單位 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心˙社團法人台灣生命教育學會
DOI 10.3966/207466012021061301004