

篇名 情绪调节:中国青少年社会与情感能力测评分报告之二
並列篇名 Emotional Regulation: Report on the Study on Social and Emotional Skills of Chinese Adolescence (II)
作者 刘志(Liu Zhi) 、朱锐锐(Zhu Ruirui) 、崔海丽(Cui Haili) 、黄忠敬(Huang Zhongjing)
中文摘要 情绪调节是社会与情感能力的重要组成部分,在OECD的研究框架下包含抗压力、乐观和情绪控制3项能力。基于苏州市10岁组和15岁组学生参与OECD社会与情感能力测评的数据,采用描述统计、差异检验和回归分析等统计方法对苏州学生的情绪调节表现予以呈现,研究发现抗压力、乐观和情绪控制与其他能力具有显著相关,其得分表现在年龄、性别、城乡上存在显著差异,在普高与职高间的差异不显著;情绪调节受背景、学生、教师、学校和家庭层面相关因素的影响较为显著;对健康、幸福感、满意度、考试焦虑、亲近家人和亲近他人等生活结果变量有显著影响。因此相关主体要充分重视学生情绪调节能力的培养,明确自身角色,选择正确的路径与策略促进学生情绪调节水平的提升。
英文摘要 Emotional regulation is an important part of social and emotional skills. Under the research framework of OECD, it includes three skills: stress resistance, optimism and emotional control. Based on the data of 10- year-old and 15-year-old students’ participation in OECD Social and Emotional Skills Study in Suzhou, this paper presents the emotional regulation performance of Suzhou students by using descriptive statistics, difference test and regression analysis. The study finds that stress resistance, optimism and emotional control are significantly related to other skills, and there are significant differences in age and gender, urban and rural areas. There is no significant difference between general high schools and vocational high schools. Emotional regulation is significantly affected by the relevant factors of background, students, teachers, school and family. It has a significant impact on life outcome variables such as health, well-being, satisfaction, test anxiety, closeness to family and closeness to others. Therefore, the relevant subjects should pay full attention to the cultivation of students’ emotional regulation, clarify their own roles, and choose the right path and strategy to promote the improvement of students’ emotional regulation.
頁次 047-061
關鍵詞 情绪调节 抗压力 乐观 情绪控制 社会与情感能力测评 emotional regulation stress resistance optimism emotional control study on social and emotional skills CSSCI
卷期 39:9
日期 202109
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.09.003