

篇名 近十年教育国际化研究综述——基于2010〜2019年CNKI与W0S期刊文献的定量分析
並列篇名 Research Progress and Trend on Education Internationalization in Recent Ten Years - Based on Quantitative Analysis of CNKI and WOS Literature from 2010 to 2019
作者 易红郡(YI Hongjun) 、曾令琴(ZENG Lingqin)
中文摘要 基于对2010~2019年CNKI以及TOS两大数据库中以教育国际化为主题的文章进行定量分析,利用CiteSpace V、SPSS等软件绘制出文献数量统计图,结果发现:教育国际化的研究成果逐年增加;随着全球化的发展和变化,教育国际化领域不断涌现新的研究热点;高等教育领域始终是学者研究的主要议题。但国内教育国际化研究还存在理论研究欠缺、微观研究和案例研究不足、研究主题比较单一等问题。为增强该领域研究的生命力,我国教育国际化研究应由宏观转向微观,进一步拓宽研究领域,并充实多学科背景的研究者。
英文摘要 Based on quantitative analysis of articles on the topic of internationalization of education in the two databases of CNKI and WOS from 2010 to 2019, the article uses statistical analysis software such as Cite Space V and SPSS to draw maps of the number of documents and statistics, The findings show that the research results have increased year by year; new research hotspots have emerged in the field; the field of higher education has always been the main area for scholars' research. However, domestic research still has some problems, such as lack of theoretical research, inadequate micro-studies and case studies, relatively single research themes. In order to enhance the vitality of research in this field, China's education internationalization research should shift to micro research, widen research areas and involve researchers with multidisciplinary background.
頁次 044-052
關鍵詞 教育国际化 国际教育 知识图谱 education internationalization international education knowledge map CSSCI
卷期 42:5
日期 202005
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所