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篇名 人工智能时代反思教学的本质——基于批判教育学的视角
並列篇名 Reconsider the Nature of Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence — Based on the Perspective of Critical Pedagogy
作者 孙婧(Sun Jing) 、骆婧雅(Luo Jingya) 、王颖(Wang Ying)
中文摘要 人工智能已对社会生产和生活带来不同程度的影响,学校教育也概莫能外:学校教师面临去技能化和被替代的危机;课堂教学中只见标准化知识而不见生成性知识;教学评估中忽视了学生的社会文化背景。批判教育学派认为:21世纪需要批判性教师教育;教师应成为研究者、文化工作者和转化型的知识分子;课程内容不是中立的;学生应成为研究者。该文结合人工智能时代的特征,从开创教师培养新机制、建构新型教学模式与学习方式、制定多重人才培养目标等方面探讨了人工智能与教育教学融合发展的途径,以期对未来教学改革提供参考借鉴。
英文摘要 Artificial intelligence has brought different degrees of influence on social production and life. And school education is inclusive: school teachers are confronted with the crisis of de-skilled and replaced; there is only standardized knowledge but not generative knowledge in classroom teaching; the social and cultural background of students is neglected in teaching evaluation. The school of critical education believes that critical teacher education is needed in the 21st century. Teachers should become researchers, cultural workers and transformational intellectuals; Curriculum content is not neutral; Students should become researchers. Combining the characteristics of the era of artificial intelligence, this article discusses the way of the integration of artificial intelligence and education and teaching, in the aspects of creating new mechanism of teacher education, building new teaching mode and learning method, and formulating multiple objectives of talent cultivation, in order to provide reference for future teaching reform.
頁次 016-021
關鍵詞 人工智能时代 教学改革 人机协同 深度学习 批判教育学 the era of artificial intelligence teaching reform man-machine collaboration deep learning critical pedagogy CSSCI
卷期 401
日期 202006
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社