

篇名 樂齡教學的反思實踐:從困境到突破的歷程
並列篇名 Reflective Practice in Senior Teaching: The Journey from Predicament to Breakthrough
作者 葉俊廷(Chun-Ting Yeh)
中文摘要 隨著樂齡學習逐漸蓬勃發展,許多來自不同專長領域的講師陸續加入這個嶄新的領域。本研究目的是探討樂齡講師在教學時所面臨的落差與困境,後經教學反思,到反思後展現行動和意義的過程。本研究使用質性研究的半結構式訪談蒐集資料。選取13位樂齡講師,有七位男性、六位女性,年齡介於28~63歲,平均年齡為50.38。訪談資料分析採用持續比較法。研究結果顯示:一、在面臨教學落差與困境的階段,樂齡講師若僅仰賴舊經驗是無法因應多樣的樂齡教學實務,將使教學在設計、內容、過程和應用上發生落差和危機;二、進入教學反思階段,受訪者從多層次進行反思,包含假設性思考、教師之自我、抽象理論和教學實務之間反覆的思考;三、經由反思能確認樂齡教學的問題核心,形成樂齡教學的新思維並且著手教學變革的行動,以彈性因應教學實務的需求。依據研究結果,提出對樂齡培訓規劃、樂齡講師和未來研究的建議。
英文摘要 With the gradual development of senior learning, many lecturers from different fields of expertise have joined this new field of senior learning. The purpose of this study is to explore the actions and meaning processes of senior lecturers from the events that cause teaching reflection, to the in-depth reflection, and finally to the actions and meanings shown after the reflection. Semi-structured interviews of qualitative research methods were used in this study. We selected 13 participants, 7 males and 6 females, aged between 30 and 63, with an average age of 50.53. The interview data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Research findings are summarized as follows: 1. At the stage of teaching gaps and difficulties, senior lecturers could not cope with diverse senior teaching practices if they only relied on experience, otherwise more gaps and crises in teaching design, content, process, and application might result. 2. Participants reflected on multiple levels, including hypothetical thinking, the teacher’s sense of self, teaching theory, and teaching practice. 3. Through reflection, the participants could identify the core of the problem of senior teaching, form new thinking for senior teaching, and initiate teaching reformed actions to respond flexibly to the needs of teaching practice. Based on the research findings, suggestions were proposed for senior education and further research.
頁次 115-147
關鍵詞 反思實踐 教學反思 樂齡教學 reflective practice senior teaching teaching reflective TSSCI
卷期 25:3
日期 202208
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.53106/156082982022082503004