

篇名 當大學遇到高齡化:「高齡友善大學」運動的理念、實踐及其啟示
並列篇名 When University Is Faced with Population Aging: The Theory, Practice, and Enlightenment Embodied in the Movement of the Age-Friendly University
作者 劉麗娟(Li-Chuan Liu)
中文摘要 有鑑於全球高齡化趨勢,西方高等教育認為應對人口高齡化的發展提供貢獻,故自2012年開始推動高齡友善大學,嘗試由高等教育機構主動建構具高齡友善環境的教育模式。本研究旨在探討此高齡友善大學的源起、發展歷程及實踐案例,同時進一步檢視與梳理現階段臺灣高等教育面對的困境,並分析如何從高齡友善大學理念及實踐案例中吸取經驗與借鏡,以作為臺灣高等教育及相關政策參考。本研究採用文件分析法,主要資料來源為現有推動高齡友善大學的文件紀錄、網頁資料與相關學術研究文獻,並以美國密西根州立大學與加拿大曼尼托巴大學的實踐案例,分析兩校的推動過程及成效。透過實踐案例可知,高齡趨勢影響社會各個面向,高等教育必須採取更積極的態度,並以自身資源及條件為基礎,規劃並設計獨特的推動策略,同時必須認知高齡議題並非管理者的工作,而是全體教職員的共同責任。
英文摘要 In view of the global trend of population aging, higher education in the West believes that it should serve the needs and interests of the aging population. Thus, since 2012, it has promoted the age-friendly university, and tried to build an education model with an age-friendly environment by higher education institutions. The purpose of this research is to explore the origin, development history and practical cases of age-friendly university, to further examine and sort out the difficulties faced by Taiwan’s higher education at this stage, and to analyze how to draw lessons from the concept and practical cases of the age-friendly university, hoping the study can serve as reference for Taiwan’s higher education and related policies. This research adopts the method of document analysis, and the main sources of data are existing documents, web pages, and related academic research literature on promoting the age-friendly university. Michigan State University (USA) and University of Manitoba (Canada) are the two practical cases for our study of the promotion process and results of the age-friendly university. The study indicates that higher education should adopt a more positive attitude toward the trend of population aging and start planning and designing promotion strategies based on its own resources and conditions because the age-friendly university is not just the job of the administrators, but the responsibility of the entire faculty and staff of the university.
頁次 073-113
關鍵詞 高等教育 高齡化 高齡友善大學 高齡者 higher education population aging age-friendly university older adult TSSCI
卷期 25:3
日期 202208
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.53106/156082982022082503003